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September, 2024



I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:


El-e-mental is the Mind-of-God
The Sun of God Illumination
The Realm of Elementals
I AM Elohim 

Reverence for all Life is the Heart of God
The Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit
The Realm of Angels
I AM Archangel

Embodied Solar Consciousness is the Divine Potential
 of Humanity …incorporating the Essence of Angelic
& Elemental Being into physical / etheric form,
anchored through the Eternal Sun of Even
Pressure …as the I AM Race on Earth! 

I AM an embodied Angelic / Elemental / Cosmic Being!
I AM the Solar Christ Self …in action, on Earth!



(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Unity of Angelic
and Elemental Essence …as Ascended and Free Humanity!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Unity of Angelic
and Elemental Essence …as Ascended and Free Humanity!


I AM Elohim.
I AM Archangel.
I AM the I AM Race.

I AM an embodied Angelic, Elemental, Cosmic Being!

Standing in the Divine Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom,
I AM its Seventh Ray embodied Solar Consciousness.

I AM the Violet Fire’s Transmutation of karmic debt
…becoming truly empty of self, time and space.

Before there was substance, form and matter,
there was only Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.

Now I return to the Original Source of this Forcefield,
and here, I AM in Oneness Consciousness with all that is!

Before there were persons, places, conditions and things,
there were only the Quantum States of Energy,
Matter and Intelligence of the Light.

I now abide in the Great Solar Quiet of that Light
in its Quantum States of Energy, Matter and Intelligence.

Before there was self, time and space, there was only
‘Everywhere Present’ within the ‘Eternal Moment of Now’.

I return now to this Cosmic Home …beyond time and space.

I AM the Eternal Moment of now ...
here, there and everywhere present!

I AM the Diamond Heart of the Divine Potential!

I AM the Wisdom of this Spiritual Freedom!
I AM the Love of this Ascended and Free State!
I AM the Power of this embodied Solar Consciousness!
I AM the Flame of Immortality, upon its Altar of Eternal Light!

I AM the Permanent Atom of the Seventh Ray Dispensation!

I abide in Freedom’s Holy Flame.
This Violet Flame liberates karmic debt,
physically, etherically, mentally and emotionally, as
well as within all persons, places, conditions and things.

I AM Free. I AM Free. I AM FREE!




Beloved ones, let us contemplate the Gathering of Ascending Humanity. As a global Forcefield, we are (I AM!) multi-dimensionally inter-connected continuously ‘gathered’ in our Vibrational Fields of Energy and Consciousness …always together, when standing in the Light! It is also wonderful to gather physically and enjoy the comradery of Spiritual Fellowship …and to validate our Oneness Consciousness with so many others whose Light Service synchronizes with ours.  But along our Ascension Process, we begin to experience all of this in its pure form as our Light Gathering’ …together as an Infinite Sphere of Light …a Matrix of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Sacred Fire from our own Eternal Flame …synchronized with countless others …all of which vibrates in Oneness as our global Light Service …as the Gathering of Ascending Humanity!

This vast interconnectedness also occurs within the Spiritual Hierarchy and Great Light Brotherhood …on Earth and across the Solar System. In meditation, let us see, feel and deeply accept this vast interconnectedness of embodied Divinity, a Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness expressing as the Gathering of Ascending Humanity! We see, feel and deeply accept thisbecoming its Permanent Atom! Every Ascended Master and Cosmic Being does likewise. The Permanent Atom is at the center …but in Ascended and Free Consciousness, the center is here, there and everywhere present!

A Permanent Atom is an Electronic Pattern …in this case the Electronic Pattern of the perfection once attained, individually and collectively, as the Seventh Ray Dispensation runs its full course, in the evolution of Earth and Humanity.  This Divine Dispensation was given to Beloved Saint Germain by Father / Mother God in the Temples of the Central Sun. In these Sun-Fire Temples was created the Diamond Heart of its Divine Potential. We might visualize these Perfection Patterns as “the Light of a Thousand Suns” …a thousand Suns of the Sun!  As it builds momentum, it soon becomes the Light of a million ‘Suns of the Sun’ …Solar Christ Selves developing across the globe …until this Cosmic Momentum unfolds as the Light of all Humanity, living in their own Eternal Flame and its Radiant Light …while also abiding in the Solar Glory of each other’s blazing Light.  At that point, Humanity exists in the full Holiness of Universal I AM.  This completes the return of the Cosmic Christ to Earth, restoring Humanity as the I AM Race!

Let us see our present Light Service as adding to this building Momentum. Along this Ascension Process, the meaning of ‘Divine’ or ‘Perfection Patterns’ is seen in the light of context …of where we are in the continuous journey through the entire Cycle of the Seventh Ray Dispensation.  Divine Potential is that State of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness at the Highest Frequency possible for a particular set of coordinates within a Major Cycle or Age.  In the world of form, this becomes the Highest Frequency of spin, velocity, and orbit of sub-atomic 'wave-function' life entering into its 'particle-function' form …within a particular moment. And with further Light Service, the moment transforms continuously, building towards its ultimate Divine Potential.

This offers a point of reference for our present Light Service, understanding that it is not the outer set of circumstances that is important, but rather our building Momentum of Light Service within this Divine Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom that is crucial! As a further point of reference, let us be reminded that the Spiritual Potential within the Central Sun is so much greater than the Divine Potential within the Sun, or of the Ascended Master Realms of Earth, or particularly, of daily life on Earth. The culmination of spiritual development on Earth, as a set of coordinates within Universal I AM, is called the Ascension, where one is then free to journey into these other Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Light …becoming Ascended and Free! We are all on that journey, personally and on behalf of all Humanity! We affirm ‘as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me’! It is in this way that we have a balanced perception of ‘the Divine’ and of ‘Perfection Patterns’.

Regarding Light Service on Earth, with its complex forces of karmic debt interconnecting with the powerful Forces within the Next Life Wave Coming, the concept of ‘Perfection Patterns’ would take all this ‘in context’. This is unlike other planets, where there is no interference with the Divine Plan and the Ascension Process unfolds effortlessly in Divine Order. To summarize this complex set of coordinates interacting on Earth, let us simplify it as an affirmation:

The Violet Flame liberates karmic patterns …and simultaneously,
the Violet Flame liberates embodied Solar Consciousness.

I AM this Cosmic Flame of Liberty!
I AM Spiritual Freedom embodied!

The Violet Flame is the transition from
the age of karma to the Age of Spiritual Freedom!

Let us delve deeper into becoming this Permanent Atom. Let us see our three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness each as a Maltese Cross.  Each Maltese Cross has its four Cardinal Points, each representing an Element (earth, air, fire, and water) and further, each Cardinal Point representing its corresponding Temple in the Central Sun. In the Great Solar Zodiac, each of the four Elements are represented three times, for a total of Twelve Houses of the Sun. Each empowers a Divine Quality of the Father / Mother God, for example Temple of Liberty, Temple of God Illumination, etc. …but each Cardinal Point expresses on Earth within the Element it functions through.

Again, this totals Twelve Cardinal Points affecting the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional realms of Earth, as well as the four elemental vehicles of Humanity. Each of these Cardinal Points orbits our Eternal Flame. Yet each Cardinal Point is also a Star or Sun unto itself.  The bonds or forces between them create a matrix of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. This Forcefield is our Great Solar Disc …creating the Aura of our Solar Christ Self. In embodied Solar Consciousness, we live, move, breathe and have our Being within its Sacred Vibrational Field. This is our Celestial Home, even while we yet serve within time and space. It houses our Flame of Immortality …and as well as, it anchors our Causal Body Energies we have developed in any other Dimension of Light Service. These are blessings that we desire to ‘gift our sweet Earth’ …through our embodiment within the Great Solar Disc …our Solar Aura!

This visualization unfolds multidimensionally! We see that each of the three Maltese Crosses rotates on its Axis, with each Cardinal Point spinning and rotating on its individual axis. As well, the orbits of each of the Twelve Cardinal Points are influenced by their own Maltese Cross Forcefield as well as the Sun it represents (Eternal Sun of Even Pressure, Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit, Eternal Sun of God Illumination) …as well as the Activity of the Sun Temple they each represent from the Celestial Zodiac …as well as influenced by the orbit, spin and frequency of every other Cardinal Point within this Solar Aura. It is complex yet fully synchronized within Divine Order! Its totality reveals a multi-dimensional Sacred Geometry, as it creates endless variations of potential Vibrational Fields of Sacred Fire and Radiant Light.

And again, as our Consciousness expands, then the Twelve-fold Solar Disc liberates our Causal Body into action …channeling it through our Creative Faculties of thought, feeling, word and deed. The Twelve-fold Solar Spine simultaneously liberates our Mighty I AM Presence within our daily life. And finally, Father / Mother God may then liberate the Next Life Wave Coming through our collective Twelve-fold Solar Disc.  Abiding in this Permanent Atom, I affirm:

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of the
Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light.

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of the
Causal Body’s Spheres of Radiant Light!

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of the
Solar Disc’s Twelve-fold Radiant Light!

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of the
Feminine Ray’s Infinite Radiant Light.

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of the Seventh
Ray Dispensation’s Infinite Radiant Light.

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of the Sixth and
Seventh Root Races’ Infinite Radiant Light.

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of the
Great Cosmic Inbreath’s Infinite Radiant Light.

And as this embodied Solar Consciousness, I AM Serene
within the Great Solar Quiet of all this endless Light!


Embodied Solar Consciousness thus liberates daily life into its natural Harmony and Balance. The physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles may now return to the Divine Plan of expressing the natural flow of Solar Consciousness and its Electronic Light into manifest Perfection Patterns! And from the Eternal Flame, this initiates God Illumination in the mind, Divine Love in the feelings and Health and Wellness in the body. Affirm:

The Violet Flame transmutes the noise and chaos of the outer world,
letting go of persons, places, conditions and things.

The Violet Flame liberates the Peace and
Serenity of the Great Solar Quiet!

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of the mind
…the Sun of God Illumination.

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of the feelings
…the Sun of Holy Spirit.

I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of the body
…the Sun of Elemental Constancy.

This is what I AM …and I AM that I AM!



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED HIMALAYA, Manu of the Fourth Root Race and Hierarch of the Masculine Ray Focus on Earth …on accentuating the ‘Activity of ‘Stillness’ …perfectly balancing the outer activity of ‘doing’.

Beloved Ones, it is Energy, Vibration and Consciousness that is the Doer, the Doing and the Deed. This is the motto of the Great Light Brotherhood! Meditate on this! Over several Golden Ages the Masculine Ray and Feminine Ray were in perfect Harmony and Balance and produced any ‘activity of doing’ from within the ‘activity of stillness’.  When people contemplate our Retreats in Asia, they think of profound meditation and less on doing. And when ‘doing’ was ‘done’, these were simple daily tasks, but done with Reverence and Ceremony …whether it be serving tea, making a meal, building a fence or even defending oneself (martial arts). It was done with the backdrop of Reverence for all Life and in understanding the Flow of Energy through an embodied being.

The Flame of Immortality is the Doer, the Doing and the Deed. Even after attending our Retreats in the East and then introducing our Teachings into the West, Beloved Jesus always spoke of the ‘Father within that doeth the works’. He taught loyalty and devotion to the Eternal Flame …as well as its Infinite Radiant Light of Energy, Matter and Intelligence …which would then bring forth the miracles of healing, prosperity, etc. At this point of Humanity’s spiritual evolution, the Masculine Ray now requires the balance of the Feminine Ray …to bring this ‘Focus on Stillness’ back into daily practice and re-introduce the standards of Reverence for all Life …as well as the spiritual flow of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness through embodied daily life. Let us contemplate this together in Consciousness, within my Blue Lotus Himalayan Retreat.

Breathing together, easily and with rhythm, we realize we abide in a flow of Light and its Sacred Energy. Our intention is to be present in this Eternal Moment, with Faith that this continuous flow of Light is Eternal and that all that is required or desired in Light Service will express from that Faith. Every Saint or Sage has practiced this lineage of living in the Light! Together, we now guide Humanity to this practice, rather than its present focus on building monetary wealth and gathering up material goods. Prosperity and happiness were intended to arise from developing one’s Consciousness.  Abundance was always intended to flow outwards to all life equally.

Beloved Jesus taught his Disciples to ‘store up your treasures in Heaven’ …to direct the flow of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness through the Creative Faculties of daily life in the activity of service. And then that same Energy would flow back on the return current, to be stored in the Causal Body of Celestial Momentums. This then would only create a greater ability to serve ever greater Causes within Universal I AM. This is the Ascension Process …into Eternity!

The Masculine Ray is stated within the Code of Conduct for a Disciple of Holy Spirit …now more emphasized that the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit is expanding at your Heart and Power Chakras …

“Claim nothing for thyself, neither powers nor principalities, any more than you claim the air you breathe, or the Sun, using them freely but knowing the God ownership of all.

“In speech and action be gentle, but with the Dignity that always accompanies the Presence of the Living God that is within the physical Temple.

“Constantly place all the faculties of your being, and all the inner unfoldment of thy nature at the feet of the God Power within, especially when endeavoring to manifest Perfection through one in distress.

“Let thy watchwords be gentleness, humility and loving service, but do not allow the impression of humility to be mistaken for lethargy. The servant of the Lord, like the Sun in the Heavens, is eternally vigilant to Light Service and constantly outpouring the gifts which are in his/her particular keeping.

And with this I take my leave …but leave you in this meditation …and bid you ‘great Light Service’ therein, as you anchor the Feminine Ray balance so required at this Cosmic Moment.




Beloved ones embodied, let us focus on a new beginning with a relationship with the lovely Elemental Beings that allow Light Service in the world of form …as we evolve together (Humanity, Elementals and Angels) into embodied Solar Consciousness.

In the very beginning of individuation, stepping out of the vast Oneness  of Universal I AM …the Eternal Flame is created from a Ray of Celestial Energy, anchoring as a Sacred Vibrational Field, and encoded with Cosmic  Consciousness.  This Eternal Flame radiates its Infinite Light …which together, is then seen as the Sun of the Sun. Within the photons composing this Light is the Celestial Activity of Co-creation. And when called to embodiment within a given Root Race, a particular Body Elemental Deva is invoked from the Great Silence for each individual, to create elemental vehicles for such an Eternal Flame, for its further evolution within the world of form.

The Body Elemental Deva is a Master Alchemist in using the tools of Quantum State Energy, Quantum State Matter (of the Etheric Plane) and the innate Quantum Intelligence of Divine Order. This matrix of Energy, Matter and Intelligence then Co-creates embodied vehicles, using earth, air, fire, and water elements. And we then arrive at the physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles of Humanity. This began the Divine Plan of embodiment resulting in the Ascension back into the Light.  With the ‘great fall’, this Plan was severely altered. But through great Light Service from many Great Souls, we again stand at the threshold of the Divine Plan. Now, with the Initiation of Twelve-fold Solar Consciousness, every Elemental in the body responds directly to the Elemental Cardinal Points of the Great Solar Disc. Here, each of the Twelve Houses of the Sun represents a Divine Influence through an Earth, Air, Fire or Water Sign of the Solar Zodiac. Now we have direct influence of the Sun (and even Central Sun) directly into our Elemental Temple on Earth. Contemplate this! This is the Power, Influence and Healing of the Great Solar Disc!

The Eternal Sun of Even Pressure (aligned with the three Chakra Suns at the base of the spine) is in fact the Forcefield of Balanced and Synchronized Elemental Forces …just as is the Focus of Pelleur and Virgo within Mother Earth, balancing centripetal and centrifugal forces.  The Permanent Atom operates in the world of form through the Harmony and Balance of Elemental Forces. The Permanent Atom is propelled into creation through the Quantum State Energies, Vibrational Fields and Intelligence within Light. And from an initial Etheric Matrix, blossoms the Perfection Patterns of the embodied vehicles of Humanity …as well as the Glory of Nature all around her.  This is ‘as it was in the beginning and is now and forever shall be’ …within the Permanent Atom!

The Eternal Flame holds the completed Immaculate Concept. The Body Elemental in turn holds the Permanent Atom of embodied Solar Consciousness during the Ascension Process of Humanity. Affirm: I AM the Permanent Atom of the Mighty I AM Presence made manifest. I AM the Permanent Atom of the embodied Solar Consciousness …intended as my Divine Instrument and my True Identity. I AM the Permanent Atom of my Divine Potential …physically, etherically, mentally, and emotionally, as my four vehicles of expression on Earth.  I AM the Divine Potential of each of the four elements …earth, air, fire, and water, intended for my embodied Divine Instrument. And SO IT IS!

The Angel of embodied Solar Consciousness was given Humanity by Lady Holy Amethyst, the Archangel of the Seventh Ray and Spirit of this Solar Year. This magnificent Seventh Ray Angel serves with the Body Elemental Deva, together establishing the full Divine Instrument of embodied Solar Consciousness. And they too began their service together in the Great Silence ‘even before this world was’! Contemplate this …as it re-affirms that we are fulfilling a Divine Plan established long ago, having considered every possible potential that might occur. And here I AM! …at its fulfillment!

The Body Elemental is like the Silent Watcher of embodied Divine Potential …working with the Elohim / Builders of Form so as to produce the True Identity of each of the Root Races, from a unique blueprint given by the Manu of each Root Race. Let us visualize and accept this original Ceremony of the Manu and our Permanent Atom …developing into its Divine Potential now within the Fourth and Fifth Root Races …preparing for their Ascension from the Earth Plane. This then allows for the Sixth and Seventh Root Races more opportunity to fully enter …into the glory of the Divine Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom, now dawning on Earth.

Let us give Gratitude for the Divine Intelligence within the Permanent Atom, within the Light and within the Beloved Body Elemental. Let us further imagine the intelligent energy within all living matter.  Imagine that within every plant, animal and human cell are billions of molecular interactions. They involve millions of proteins, DNA strands, and so many other molecules of Lifeforce. This process only succeeds through Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness …with each aspect interacting together in harmony and attunement, across countless permutations and combinations of such interactions. Then we begin to see and understand the Divine Alchemy of our embodied Elemental Temples.

And we give Gratitude! For this is the Divine Intelligence within the Light of Co-creation! It begins with Quantum State Energy transposed into Quantum State Matter, infused with Divine Intelligence of the countless organic processes that create the Lifeforce on Earth …including the embodied vehicles of Humanity.

Let us affirm our Gratitude:

I AM grateful, grateful, GRATEFUL
for embodied Solar Consciousness!

I AM the Serene Enlightenment of the
Buddha and the Eternal Sun of God Illumination.

I AM the Serene Love of the Cosmic Christ
…through the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit.

I AM the Serene Elemental manifestation
of the Elohim and Builders of Form, through
the Eternal Sun of Elemental Perfection Patterns.

I AM grateful that I may now choose to be truly
empty of self, time and space, allowing for the
Divine Potential of elemental manifestation.

I AM the Permanent Atom of such Perfection Patterns!



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED LADY ASTREA …the Feminine Ray Elohim of the Fourth Ray of Purity, Resurrection and Ascension …on the Permanent Atom.

Beloved Diamond Cells at the Heart of the Permanent Atom …I greet you from within the Cosmic Flame of Purity …for there I abide at the Center of your Divine Potential.

The Divine Potential is a living, moving, pulsating Forcefield in its 'wave-function' state …waiting through eternity for its opportunity to be discovered, understood and then ‘made manifest’. So let us move towards it …then into it …and finally proceed to its heart center …the Diamond Heart of the Permanent Atom!

The Divine Potential is a Sacred Vibrational Field. It is like the Eternal Flame, composed of a frequency potential …of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness with ‘endless potential’ of reaching its glorious manifestation. Such is the Divine Plan of embodiment on Earth. All lesser potentials are also forcefields …of lesser frequencies of energy, and consciousness, which also have every possibility of manifestation. These possibilities are based on the Law of Life “what you think and feel, you bring into form” (or as science describes it, “where you look for the electron, there it manifests”). The Law of Life also states  “what you place our attention on, that you become” …as a self, or as a Race or even as a Planet. So again, let us see ourselves in the Diamond Heart of the Divine Potential!

The purpose of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity is to hold the Immaculate Concept for the Divine Potential …above all other potentials. It is in becoming the Diamond Heart of the Divine Potential …the Pure Dynamic Force of attention and intention …driving a ‘potential’ towards its ‘manifestation’ …even in the face of outer illusion (lesser potentials manifesting). This is the meaning of ‘remaining Pure’ (rather than outer dogma defining it). Abiding within the Eternal Flame, let us affirm:

I AM the Diamond Heart of the Divine Potential.
I AM the Pure Light of Divine Cause!
I AM the Cosmic Flame of Purity.

I abide at the center of this Diamond Heart and its glorious
display of 'wave-function' Perfection Patterns.
I rejoice in this Divine Light of Holiness.

I AM the Cosmic Momentum of Purity
…the unwavering Highest Original Intent
…unadulterated, unfiltered and unfettered by ego.

I abide at the Permanent Atom of this First Cause!
I AM its Pure Light, where abides Ascended and
Free Humanity, on her Ascended and Free
Earth, in her Ascended and Free Orbit!

I AM living the Divine Potential!

Let us see, feel and deeply accept our present Light Service as being One with the dynamic, motivating Force within the Divine Potential! Embodied Light Service is to anchor this energetic Force on Earth. Together, standing in the Light, we become the Heartbeat and Holy Breath of the Pure Original Lightwithin all expression of the Divine Potential, everywhere present. We know with certainty that “I AM the Resurrection and the Life of the Divine Potential …the Solar Christ Self within the I AM Race, abiding on Earth!

Together, standing in our Flame of Immortality, we now declare:

By the Power of the Three-fold Flame vested in me, I return
all innocent Lifeforce (within any person, place, condition
or thing) back to the Great Central Sun for repolarization,
never again having to serve human creation!


This is a new level of Light Service. With the Gathering of Ascending Humanity, standing together in the Light of her embodied Solar Consciousness …we may now bring the Transformational Possibilities of the Sun and Central Sun into daily life …into any person, place, condition and thing we so decree …to achieve its repolarization to its original Purity …never again having to serve human creation. This already occurs in the Sun Temples of Father / Mother God! And now we may direct this same Sacred Fire …through our Great Solar Disc and the Power of the Twelve Houses of the Sun embedded therein. We may now direct all innocent lifeforce back to the Purity of its Original Intent …Reborn, Resurrected and Ascended into its Divine Expression!

Think of it …the Next Life Wave Coming is the repolarization of the world.  And it comes through embodied Solar Consciousness!  The Harmony and Balance of the Masculine Ray with the Feminine Ray is paramount to this Victory. The Feminine Ray now coming into Spiritual Prominence expresses its Divine Qualities of Reverence for all Life and unconditional Love through Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness. These Forces repolarize the centripetal / centrifugal (or Yin / Yang) forces affecting expression. Into this matrix of Perfection Patterns now enters the Sixth and Seventh Root Races. And then with such Ascending Frequencies, Earth may then be fully included in the Great Cosmic Inbreath, with all other Planets, Solar Systems and Galaxies. For this is the ‘extended family’ to which our sweet Earth belongs.

In our current Ascension Process, there is much change …with karmic debt seeking its purification; with the action of re-balance and repolarization in many areas of life…and with some clear evidence of the end of one Major Cycle, and the dawn of the next. But all of this Transformation is held in the harmonious embrace of Purity …at the Permanent Atom of the Next Life Wave Coming. This is the Victory of the Light …in holding to its Original Purity!

This Victory is dependent on this Immaculate Concept being held on the plane of existence that requires the transformation …that being daily life on Earth.  Hence the Gathering of Ascending Humanity embodied for this Purpose …working with the Elemental Kingdom (the electron in its 'particle-function') and the Angelic Kingdom (the electron in its 'wave-function'). This describes the Permanent Atom of Ascended and Free Humanity …which is to be guided, guarded and directed by the Keepers of the Flame within Humanity! For only embodied Humanity may operate in the Purity of both the 'wave-function' (Angelic) and 'particle-function' (Elemental) Activities of the Divine Plan. Humanity is bothwhen abiding in her embodied Flame of Immortality …as intended by First Cause!

Let us operate in our Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness. The Synchronization of the Great Solar Disc into the Gathering of Ascending Humanity is the Central Sun Energies now operating on Earth, for the repolarization of all life. Even with the current expression of diverse transformation …with one Major Cycle ending and another dawning, we hold the Immaculate Concept, together, standing in the Light!  Together we hold the Light of Divine Potential …that the butterfly emerges from her chrysalis …Ascended and Free Humanity on her Ascended and Free Earth!