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December 2021


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:









(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Flame of the
Cosmic Presence ...and its Ascension Forcefield!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Flame of the
Cosmic Presence ....and its Ascension Forcefield!


I AM empty of self and the karma of self,
and I AM Flame.

I AM empty of the world and the karma of the world,
and I AM a Global Flame.

I AM empty of time and the karma of time,
and I AM an Eternal Global Flame
...Eternally Flame!

I AM empty of space and the karma of space
and I AM an Eternal Flame, expanding its Infinite
Radiant Light ...here, there and everywhere present!

I AM my True Identity.
I AM a Keeper of the Flame,
but I AM also the Eternal Flame itself.

I AM the Flame upon the Altar.
I AM the Altar upon which the Flame abides.
I AM the Sacred Flame Room wherein the Altar resides.
I AM the Temple of Light in which the Altar and Flame resides.

I AM the Flame of Immortality
Upon the Altar of the Cosmic Christ
Within the Temple of Cosmic Holy Spirit.

I AM the One Ray of Electronic Light of the Mighty I AM Presence, anchoring the Cohesive Power of Divine Love into my Three-fold Flame ...raising up from there into my mind as the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love ...then pouring Perfection Patterns through my Creative Faculties into the world!

I AM a Sun of the Sun!
Along my Solar Spine, I AM
the Sun and its Seven Ascending Planets.
I AM the Eternal Flame and its Seven Chakra Suns.
I AM the Great Cosmic Inbreath in action on Earth ...of
all life progressing into its Higher Frequency of Divine Potential!



Beloved Ones, we are building an Ascension Forcefield ...globally, as well as along our Solar Spine (as the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves). In this Ascension Process, certain Transformational Events in Consciousness will offer Humanity a free will choice as to which Energy, Vibration and Consciousness she will follow ...and thus which planet she chooses to live upon and which civilization she chooses to abide within. The Divine Potential of Ascended and Free Earth is a product of the Next Life Wave Coming. And thus, as this Wave permeates the world, a 'moment of choice' comes for all her Lifeforce. We are here as Builders of Divine Consciousness, Builders of Divine Self, and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light ...so that Humanity may make this choice!

Light Servers assist in building this Ascension Forcefield through the Law of Reciprocity: 'As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me'. Let us see our Light Service raising up Humanity into a period of Divine self-reflection. This would then lead into a period of Divine self-regulation ...and then Humanity eventually becoming Divine Directors of her own Sacred Journey. Along the way, Humanity would understand and accept the Divine Alchemy of Sacred Fire, capable of solving of all karmic conditions on our sweet Earth. This is the purpose of Transformational Events in Consciousness, to bring this moment of choice to the forefront, regarding the frequency of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness Humanity follows. Free will reigns for Eternity ...and this is a Cosmic Moment of free will that guides Humanity into Eternity!

In our Solar Year Forcefield, the Diamond Crystal Sun at the center of the Maltese Cross is the Flame of Alpha and Omega. This same Central Sun Forcefield is found atop the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves ...as the Focus of Ascended and Free ...with all other levels of life Ascending towards this Divine Potential. Let us affirm that together, standing in the Light, we are standing in this Flame of Immortality ...this Flame of Alpha and Omega! The Seven Electronic Perfection Patterns of the Ascension along our Solar Spine is each a specific Ascension Pattern for that level of Lifeforce. We sustain this Immaculate Concept! This is our Light Service in building an Ascension Forcefield!

Let us confirm the Divine Power of our True Identity! I AM a representation of Universal I AM, embodied here on Earth ...the Seven Ascended Planets and the Sun ...the Seven Suns and the Central Sun ...and the Seven Central Suns and the Great Central Sun. But now there is a Cosmic Quantum Wave accelerating this Divine Power at each of these levels, which now immediately impacts the outcome of our sweet Earth! All these Suns at every station of Father / Mother God across the Galaxy now send their astounding powerful Ascension Perfection Patterns into our Seven Electronic Perfection Patterns along our Solar Spine. Together, standing in the Light we anchor this Cosmic Energy ...part of all Suns in Divine Alignment! This accelerating Cosmic Forcefield gains ever greater Power through the Gathering of Ascending Humanity, for the Ascension of Humanity as well as the Angels and Elementals evolving with our sweet Earth!


Beloved Ones, let us feel the Power of becoming a Sun of the Sun! As an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light, I now realize my Sphere of Influence as an Ascended Master Presence! As a global Sun of the Sun ...the Sun of Ascended and Free Humanity ...I realize my collective Power and our global Sphere of Influence as an Ascended and Free Forcefield! Then we may attune to the Sun of Earth as an Ascended and Free Planet and her Cosmic Sphere of Influence ...ready and prepared for the Great Cosmic Inbreath. This is all Suns in Divine Alignment for the Victory of our Light Service.

Standing within the Ascension Forcefield,
I AM my Ascended and Free Sphere of Influence!
Humanity is her Ascended and Free Sphere of Influence!
Our sweet Earth is her Ascended and Free Sphere of Influence!

I AM the Cohesive Power of Divine Love
Uniting all life in her Ascended State,
in her next Divine Potential, her
Next Life Wave Coming!

I stand together in the Twelve Houses of the Sun.
All Twelve in Divine geometric formation.
All Twelve in Divine synchronicity.
All Twelve acting through
my Divine Instrument!

These Twelve Houses of the Sun express around me, as the
Twelve Points of the Cosmic Maltese Cross of Violet Fire!

The Twelve Houses of the Sun are then inbreathed into my Heart Center, Creating the Diamond Crystal Sun of Father / Mother God.

This Diamond Crystal Sun then expands and projects out from me, as an Infinite Circle of Light ...as the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire, the Seventh Ray, Causal Body Sphere of Alpha and Omega!

This Sacred Activity of Inbreath / Outbreath then reveals the
Eye of Divine Liberty ...and the Way Home for
Humanity into her Solar Consciousness!

I AM in my Spiritual Freedom, as my Solar Christ Self!
Humanity is in her Spiritual Freedom, as the
Gathering of Ascending Humanity!


Let us stand in a Cosmic Pillar of Violet Fire before the Eye of Divine Liberty. Let us see, feel and deeply accept this Sacred Fire cleansing our 'doors of perception', removing all the binding restrictions of self, time and space. As the Poet said: "When we cleanse the doors of perception, we see life for what it is, the Infinite".[1] Beloved Goddess of Liberty serves Humanity by assisting with this cleansing of our perception, so that we grow into the Eternity and Infinity of our True Identity and our Divine Instrument ...functioning on Earth in Solar Consciousness ...even as it has functioned in this Supreme Consciousness in the Dimensions, Reaflms, Spheres of Light, 'before even this world was'.

[1]William Blake

Beloved Goddess of Liberty serves on the Ray of Spiritual Freedom, as does her Cosmic Son, Beloved Saint Germain and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy on the Seventh Ray ...Elohim Arcturus and Lady Diana; Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Holy Amethyst; and Lady Portia, Twin Ray of Beloved Saint Germain and the Goddess of Justice ...in the resolving of karma and in returning to 'The Way' of Celestial Harmony and Balance.

Also serving the Seventh Ray are our Beloved Lady Kwan Yin, Goddess of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness and our Feminine Ray Buddha, sustaining a Flow of Cosmic Consciousness from the Central Sun, specific to Humanity's needs at this Cosmic Moment; Beloved Zarathustra, God of Enthusiasm for the Divine ...and Passion for serving First Cause; and finally Beloved Lord Saithru, the Great Divine Director and Lady Mercedes, as well as God / Goddess Meru (Manus of the Sixth and Seventh Root Races) serve as principal Gurus for the Next Life Wave Coming along the Seventh Ray Dispensation.

These Mighty God Beings are all Teachers of Solar Consciousness. They await our 'doors of perception' to be cleansed and flung wide open, through our Spiritual Practice with the Sacred Fire ...until we see, feel and deeply accept our Ascended and Free State of Solar Consciousness. They are the 'supervising Teachers' in our classroom of daily life ...in the letting go of self, time and space and serving only as Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light ...expanding endless Perfection Patterns for Humanity! They already clearly see, feel and deeply accept the true nature of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity. Our role is to learn from Them and manifest this Truth within daily life!

Beloved Ones, a short review. The Eternal Flame is composed of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. Its Infinite Radiant Light is composed of Energy, Intelligence and Matter. This is the combined process of anchoring the Divine ...and then manifesting Divine Potential. Our True Identity and Divine Instrument is built for both ...as both the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light! This is the Original Intent (First Cause) of embodiment on Earth ...Co-creation of the Divine within the world of form. This First Cause was usurped during the ‘great fall' and the results were the endless karmic loop created by ego. Manifesting our True Identity and Divine Instrument now reverses this and returns us to First Cause. This defines our Light Service.

We stand in the flow of the Tao ...the Unbroken Flowing Wholeness of the Universe. It is 'the Way'. It is the flow of the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State. This Oneness Consciousness anchors in our Flame of Immortality, then flows through our Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. And when this flow is no longer interrupted by self, or time / space restrictions, then we are Home ...Ascended and Free, together standing in the Light!

When I AM living within my Eternal Flame ...living as my Eternal Flame ...then I AM Ascended, and I AM Free. My spiritual practice is to become the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light whenever I can and wherever I AM ...until that is all I AM! The Ascension begins in earnest when 51% of our Energies ...of our thoughts, feelings, words and deeds ...are sent forth as their Divine Potential ...not interfered with by ego-self, nor by the restraints of time and space. This is the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light in action ...as the Divine Instrument embodied ...always honoring First Cause above all else. You can see from this, the potential of the vast majority of Humanity centered within this Ascension Process ...simply desiring to 'do good'.

Therefore, in the spiritual progression of this embodiment, let us strive to be this Divine Instrument as often and as much as possible, knowing that even one moment of Pure Being with Supreme Consciousness anchors an immense effort to the First Cause manifesting ...as a Transformational Event in Consciousness ...in that moment. Our outer mind does not need to know details of how or what ...just that Divine Potential was anchored, and progress was made ...individually and globally. This is how we measure the spiritual progression of our life ...where we find our happiness.

Our 'spiritual speciality' is in being Divine Directors of Sacred Fire. Sacred Fire steadily accelerates the frequency of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness within every 'wave and particle' of my Being ...including my elemental vehicles. This Sacred Fire is visible in the Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Light but in the world of form, we depend on feeling and accepting it first ...and then we may achieve the Crystal Vision of seeing its multi-dimensional, multi-colored, multi-toned, multi-fragrant, ever-moving Presence. We may see it as waves upon an electronic ocean of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, where 'the particles' are but the tips of 'the waves' that 'appear' and then disappear back into Oneness ...back into the Unbroken Flowing Wholeness of the Universe.

I AM in Cosmic Pursuit of the Perfection Pattern of this moment.
I AM in Cosmic Pursuit of the Perfection of every moment.
I AM in Cosmic Pursuit of the Divine Potential
of my Being ...in every moment.



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED LADY PORTIA ...Twin Ray of Beloved Saint Germain as the Seventh Ray Chohan ...and the Goddess of Justice serving on the Karmic Board

Beloved Ones ...allow me to further Illumine you as to the specific nature of the Violet Fire for this New Age. I follow the words of my Beloved Saint Germain (see September Journal).

The Violet Fire is a specific Divine Alchemy of the Three-fold Flame, unique to Earth's Redemption and Resurrection. The Violet Fire is the process of Love, Wisdom and Power transformed into its final stage of this Cosmic Cycle of this Solar System. It evolves into the Love and Power Flames perfectly melding to become one Violet Fire (the Perfect synchronicity of the Blue and the Pink) ...with the central Golden Flame of God Illumination becoming the Radiance of this Violet Fire ...the Christ in action radiating Spiritual Freedom for all life, everywhere present!

The Violet Fire thus becomes the Three-fold Flame in action for the full Victory of the Seventh Ray Dispensation. This Flame of Immortality now anchors all Divine Quantum States of the Seventh Ray ...Transformation, Transmutation; Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness; all in Divine Ceremony and in the Rhythms of Spiritual Freedom. I serve on the Ray of Divine Justice, in service of the Karmic Board ...helping to govern and express this Cosmic Moment of the Next Life Wave Coming!

Beloved ones, the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame anchors Divine Consciousness. It is the open door for consciousness into the world of form. This stream of Divine Consciousness anchors in the Heart Flame. It is then projected into the brain to animate physical, etheric, mental and emotional consciousness ...allowing the ability to function within the physical realm. In the Golden Ages of the first three Root Races, this produced Perfection Patterns from the brain to express into the thoughts, feelings, words and deeds of daily life ...given that the flow of Divine Consciousness into the Heart Flame was maintained uninterrupted.

This is the meaning behind the mantra of the Three-fold Flame ...the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love. The results of this First Cause then manifested as Divine Life, within the denseness of form. It met with great success and is the root truth behind all 'mythology' of God's and Goddess's walking the Earth. Then in the Fourth Root Race came the compassionate decision to foster souls that had not developed sufficiently in their planetary Solar System, giving them a chance for the Ascension from a slower frequency (physical) world. But the force of ego-centric (vs Divine centric) thoughts, feelings, words and deeds was strong ...and the ‘great fall' ensued.

And since then, the mix of physical, etheric, mental and emotional karmic consciousness, managed through the brain, got very complex and dark ...causing all manner of physical and mental distress. And the original Divine Consciousness of Perfection Patterns coming from the Heart Flame was lost in this fog ...lost to stories of mythology or religion, as 'just fantasy'. Yet the pull of these stories is strong and a great desire of things returning to the order of Justice and Right. The great majority of people abiding on Earth have a strong desire to 'makes things right again' and rid the planet of the source of the problem. This is my field of endeavor as the Goddess of Justice.

And this is the purpose of the Cosmic Violet Fire ...to make things right again. The Violet Fire is to rid the planet of the source of the imbalance and injustice and restore Harmony and Balance between Love and Power ...as a new form of God Illumination expressed in daily life. The Violet Fire is to restore the Harmony and Balance between the Masculine Ray and the Feminine Ray, as patterns expressed in daily life. This is Divine Justice ...and it does not have to wait until 'we all get to Heaven' (in some other realm) ...but here and now in this Cosmic Moment on Earth ...within her daily life.

Let us affirm: 'I now consecrate each of my Chakra Suns, and all my Creative Faculties of thought, feeling, word and deed, that as I stand in the Cosmic Violet Fire':

I AM in open communication with ...
actively listening to ...and receptive
of the Next Life Wave Coming!

Through the Power of the Violet Fire, I AM opening each of my Chakra Suns to that specific aspect to the Next Life Wave Coming, through me. I now open the White Ascension Flame at the base of my Solar Spine. And I AM open and receptive to the Next Life Wave of Purity, Resurrection and the opportunity for the Ascension, from the physical realm ...coming through me. I open the Violet Fire Chakra ...and I AM open and receptive to the Next Life Wave of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness coming through me. I open the Lotus of Golden Ruby Peace at the Solar Plexus ...and I AM open and receptive to the Next Life Wave of Peace and Tranquility, coming through me.

I open the Pink Flame Heart Chakra and I AM open and receptive to the Next Life Wave of Pure Divine Love, coming through me. I open the Throat Chakra and I AM open and receptive to the Next Life Wave of the Voice of the Great I AM, coming through me. I open the Emerald Green Jewel at the Third Eye and I AM open and receptive to the Next Life Wave of Crystal Vision, coming through me. I open the Thousand Petaled Lotus of God Illumination and I AM open and receptive to the Next Life Wave of Divine Perception and Wisdom, coming through me. The New Age of Spiritual Freedom is coming through me! I AM open and receptive to the Next Life Wave Coming! I AM that I AM!

As each Chakra Sun opens, it fills that level of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves with that Divine State of Holy Spirit, that Aspect of Spiritual Freedom, which we so desire for each level of Lifeforce on our sweet Earth.

I AM the Gathering of Ascending Humanity,
I AM the Seven Levels of the Ascension Pagoda,
all proceeding together through the Transfiguration,
Resurrection and the Ascension of Earth's Beloved Lifeforce!

This Spiritual Progression is within me, for
I AM in all the world, and all the world is within me!
I AM an Eternal Flame, and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light.
The Eternal Flame is a Quantum State and the Next Life Wave Coming is a Quantum State ...so this Union is One Quantum State!

The Eternal Flame is a Quantum State. The
Gathering of Ascending Humanity is a Quantum State.
The Next Life Wave Coming is a Celestial Quantum State.
Together, standing in the Light, I AM this One Quantum State!

Each Chakra along our Solar Spine is Ascending out of its lower frequency, generated since the ‘great fall' in Consciousness. The Violet Fire of Freedom's Love will have this Atomic Accelerator effect on each Chakra Sun. Thus, we invoke, focus, concentrate, expand and project this Sacred Fire through each Chakra, until they all function only in their Quantum, Ascended and Free State!

As the Violet Fire blazes through the Chakra Suns, it Purifies all desire for physical control and dominion, while allowing for genuine affection, comfort and justice within daily life. This begins at the base of the spine in the journey of freedom, from domination of the physical and moving towards the spiritual ...beginning the journey of the Transfiguration, Resurrection and the Ascension of the Soul. As the Violet Fire blazes through the Violet Chakra in the center of the abdomen, it purifies the lower frequencies of anger, malice and discord, transforming them into a constant Invocation of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness towards all life. This begins the Path to Spiritual Freedom!

As the Violet Fire blazes through the Ruby-Gold Solar Plexus Chakra, it purifies and transforms the lower frequencies of anxiety, fears and its resultant greed for (illusionary) relief from physical appetites ...and allows for the Quantum States of Divine Peace ...beginning the journey of knowing our True Identity ...as only an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. As the Violet Fire blazes through the Heart Chakra, it transmutes all lower frequencies of lethargy and passiveness and allows for the active Quantum State of constantly radiating Divine Love into all persons, places, conditions and things.

As the Violet Fire blazes through the Blue Power Chakra at the throat, it purifies and transforms the lower frequencies of ego power and desire to dominate and control. This allows for the Quantum State of fulfilling God's Will and the First Cause of Co-creating Perfection Patterns through the Voice of the Great I AM. As the Violet Fire blazes through the Emerald Green Chakra it purifies and transforms the lower frequencies of doubt and its reaction of pride and intellectual arrogance ...allowing for the Quantum States of Crystal Vision and Divine Perception. As the Violet Fire blazes through the Thousand Petaled Lotus atop the head, it only expands the Golden Aura of God Illumination and Infinite Wisdom.

This is the Divine Solar Spine! This Forcefield may then carry 'the burden of the world' (within the Seven Levels of the Ascension Pagoda), transforming it into the Higher Frequency Realms of Light. This is the Divine Justice the world seeks! And, SO IT IS, BELOVED I AM!


On the Ascension Flame and Crystal Vision

Beloved Ones, welcome into the Ascension Temple of the Fourth Ray, for our sojourn together, serving the Light. When Humanity first attends the Temples of the Ascension after passing from daily life, they experience a rudimentary training replicating daily life, but in a Temple setting. Here we train in basic use of the Seven Rays and how to tolerate others on their unique Ascension Path ...others from various Rays other than one's own ...and thus may have very different temperaments and habits. Here we learn to stay in Harmony and Balance amongst a great variation of Souls ...yet stay focused on the Ascension! This is the early training and where most of Humanity evolves at present. From this, we then graduate to becoming full Divine Directors of the Light and practice being Ascended and Free! This is the stage we greet the Light Servers now!

Let us stand in the Ascension Flame ...in this brilliant, upward spiraling Ascending Energy. The Ascension Flame always aims to express itself through elevating manifestation into more evolved levels of Divine Potential ...into ever Higher Frequency Realms of Existence and Manifestation. This is the Atomic Accelerator! In embodiment, the Ascension Flame anchors the Solar Spine and initiates the entire Kundalini River of Seven Chakra Suns ascending ...from its base ...towards its spiritual heights of the Crown Chakra of God Illumination ...and the full Seven-fold Crown of the Elohim ...of becoming a full Co-creator with Father / Mother God ...in the world of form!

The Ascension Flame is an Eternal Flame ...spiraling through its existence in the physical realm within embodied Souls, until the moment of full God Illumination ...to that moment of 'full circle', back to existence only as Eternal Flame. The Circle begins with the Ascension Flame and ends in the Ascension Flame! This is the point where Ascended and Free Humanity now spirals into, Endings and New Beginnings. The Ascension is a continuous process occurring since first embodying in form, sustained through the evolution of all Seven Chakra Suns ...eventually into full Christhood. Then that Soul rejoins Universal I AM in Oneness Consciousness (the Actual moment of Ascension as witnessed by others) ...as an Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light ...in the Peace of the Great Solar Quiet.

The Ascension Flame is an Atomic Accelerator for every cell, atom and electron of the physical realm. It allows for every aspect of Being ...'wave-function' or 'particle-function' ...to become open and receptive to the Next Life Wave Coming. It allows for the Eternal Journey of the Soul to accelerate to its next level of Divine Potential. It allows for every aspect of the Soul, from the White Fire Being in the Central Sun, to the physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles embodied on Earth, to become fully engaged in the Great Cosmic Inbreath. It allows that our True Identity as a Sun of the Sun functions in Divine Order, from our Fiery Presence in Realms of Light, through to our cells, atoms and electrons on Earth.

The Ascension Flame allows the billions of cells, atoms and electrons composing our embodied vehicles, to open like White Lotus Flowers of Glistening Light ...becoming ever more open and receptive to the Next Life Wave Coming. So let us invoke, focus, concentrate, expand and project the Ascension Flame through our embodied presence, until it mirrors our Electronic Mighty I AM Presence on the physical plane ...as was intended in the Divine Plan. The Ascension Flame radiates the Light of the Central Sun ...that now desires all life to Ascend ...to accelerate forward with the Great Cosmic Inbreath, towards its next Divine Potential. This is the entire focus of Universal First Cause at this present Moment.

Then as we look inwards to our own Light Being, we see the Light of a Thousand Suns, within an Infinite Ocean of Light. And as we look outwards to Humanity with this same Crystal Vision, we see the Light of the World ...the Ascension Flame ...the Light of the Central Sun ...blazing from every cell, atom and electron within all other life. This process of our own Enlightenment is the Fourth Ray of Ascension Flame and Purity ...progressing to the Fifth Ray of Crystal Vision ...and seeing our world and all the Universe as Father / Mother God sees it ...in its Divine Potential. This is what is meant when fully becoming the Solar Christ Self as Beloved Jesus did and understanding that:

I AM the Light of the World ...Ascended and Free!

The Ascension Process is like an Eternal Spiral of Ascension. If you visualize a spiral from above, a spiral is a series of circles that are always arising, ascending in Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. One might see the Ascension as beginning with the root (or open door) of the Solar Spine, then proceeding through all Seven Rays until full God Illumination at the Crown Chakra ...when we then begin again ...'born again' at the next level of Divine Potential ...each time, with each spiral, ever-more Ascended and Free! Here again we have the process of Endings and New Beginnings, the Law of the Circle continually repeating itself.

As the Ascension Flame is invoked, it expands the Light in every cell, atom and electron of manifestation. The more evolved the Consciousness, the more we see, feel and deeply accept this Action of the Light raising up all life around us, as well as within us. As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me. The best way to affirm this is the Invocation to the Light. We first visualize this Invocation as calling forth the Light into the world, from Higher Frequency Realms of Light into the dense physical realm ...anchoring in daily life to be an effective tool of Transformation . Then we call upon the Light to hold sway against lower ego forces and the imbalance of karma seeking its redemption ...and defend the goodness of the world, defend Love seeking its way in the world.

Then we see, feel and deeply accept the Light expanding through the actions of Humanity's Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light ...and giving that Light full Power to bring about the New Age of Spiritual Freedom we so desire. We see the Light expanding into every person, place, condition and thing with the Full Power and Authority of Father / Mother God. We invoke, focus, concentrate, expand and project the Light to take full command of daily life ...expressing through all thoughts, feelings, words and deeds being raised into their Divine Potential of Love, Wisdom and Power ...through every Holy Christ Self within Humanity. Then we complete this Visualization / Affirmation with the Crystal Vision of all that there is, all that I AM, is the Light ...Ascended and Free Humanity, together, standing in the Light ...living an Eternal Life in the Light! And SO IT IS!

We summarize, affirm and decree this Truth with full God Authority:

Light descend, Light descend,
Light descend, descend, DESCEND!

Light defend, Light defend,
Light defend, defend, DEFEND!

Light expand, Light expand,
Light expand, expand, EXPAND!

Light command, Light command,
Light command, command, COMMAND!


