February, 2025

February, 2025 PDF


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity, in union with
the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
through the Cohesive Power of Divine Love,
uniting all Life in its Ascended State …

now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:









(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the
Sacred Fire Breath of First Cause!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the
Sacred Fire Breath of First Cause!



I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of the Eternal Flame’s
Infinite Radiant Light …its Infinite Radiant Love …
Infinite Radiant Wisdom …and Infinite Radiant Power!

I AM the living, breathing Gathering of Ascending Humanity!
I AM the Gathering of all Ascending Energies, all Ascending
Vibrational Fields …and all Ascending Consciousness!

I AM an ocean of Great Cosmic Momentum!
I AM the Indivisible Flowing Wholeness
of our Great Cosmic Cause!

For my personal Ascension Process

I AM the Causal Power of my Ascended and Free Spiritual Agency
I AM the Causal Power of my embodied Solar Consciousness …
By the Power of the Three-fold Flame vested in me …
By the Power of the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure vested in me …
By the Power of the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit vested in me …
By the Power of the Eternal Sun of God Illumination vested in me: 

I AM Causing the Ascension of Humanity!
I AM this Gathering of Spiritual Agency.
I AM in Co-creation of the world!

I AM the Four Foundations of the Next Life Wave Coming!
I AM vested with Cosmic Love, Wisdom and Power!
I AM embodied Solar Consciousness! 

And thus

By the Power of the Feminine Ray vested in us, I AM
Causing the Fourth and Fifth Root Races’ Ascension
into the Feminine Ray Age of God Illumination!

By the Power of the Seventh Ray Dispensation vested in us
I AM Causing of the Fourth and Fifth Root Races’ Ascension
into the Feminine Ray Age of God Illumination.

By the Power of the Sixth and Seventh Root Races vested in us
I AM Causing of the Fourth and Fifth Root Races’ Ascension
into the Feminine Ray Age of God Illumination.

By the Power of the Great Cosmic Inbreath vested in us

I AM Causing of the Fourth and Fifth Root Races’ Ascension
into the Feminine Ray Age of God Illumination.

I AM the Fourth and Fifth Root Races now Ascended and Free,
in the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light,
abiding in the Great Solar Quiet of their Manu’s
Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!

I AM the Feminine Ray Age of Divine Love.
I AM the Feminine Ray Age of God Illumination.
I AM the Feminine Ray Age of full Spiritual Agency.

This is the Love, Wisdom and Power …the
Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame …of
the Feminine Ray Age of Spiritual Freedom!

I AM its full Spiritual Agency on Earth!




Beloved Ones …let us contemplate our Light Service in its Cosmic Parameters. An example of this is the Great Cosmic Inbreath, which occurs across Multi-dimensional Fields of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …and not so much across the vastness of time and space as it might be envisioned. ‘Drawn closer to Source’ is the acceleration and expansion of the Celestial Ray from the Mighty I AM Presence, the Highest Frequencies of its Sacred Vibrational Fields in which we abide …and the Celestial levels of Cosmic Consciousness now expressing through us and encoded in the Co-creation of all life. This is an eternal process that occurs only in the Eternal Moment of Now!

With this in mind, let us contemplate, realize and affirm that I AM Causing a Forcefield of Harmony and Balance …to Guide, Guard and Protect ‘all life everywhere present’ …until its baptism in and confirmation by the Power of their own Spiritual Agency …now empowered by their Causal Momentum they already know in the Realms of Light. This is the Ascension Life Path!

Let us further meditate within this Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light …on the nature of the Manu and the Great Cycle of Root Races. For in this Solar Year, we abide in the Infinite Radiant Light of the Manu of the Sixth Root Race, God / Goddess Meru. They now assist Humanity in the Ascension Process into the Feminine Ray Age of God Illumination. Our Service with the Manus is to assist the Fourth and Fifth Root Races in their Ascension Process …to make way for a Glorious Age of Spiritual Freedom for the Sixth and Seventh Root Races. This fulfills the Divine Plan of our sweet Earth, ‘drawing her closer to Source’ within the Great Cosmic Inbreath.

The Feminine Ray is intricately engaged with the Seventh Ray Violet Fire.  Let us combine both Forcefields in our Light Service in a more energetic, dynamic and enthusiastic fashion …during this Solar Year opportunity of working in direct Communion with the Manu of this ‘Feminine Ray / Seventh Ray’ of Spiritual Freedom and God Illumination. For even if we do not outwardly see or understand all the Multi-dimensional aspects of the Next Life Wave Coming, our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light certainly does! And hence we bow before that True Identity as we invite and invoke through it the full Power of the Seventh Ray / Feminine Ray …in Divinely Synchronized Ceremony.  We Affirm:

The Violet Flame Liberates the Fourth and Fifth Root Races
into their ongoing Ascension Process with their Manu.

The Violet Flame Liberates the Sixth and Seventh Root Races
into their emerging Ascension Process on Earth.

The Vehicle of all the Manus of the Fourth and Fifth Root Races,
as well as the Sixth and Seventh Root Races, now

becomes the Gathering of Ascending Humanity in her
embodied Solar Consciousness as well as all
other patterns of Ascending Energy, Vibration
and Consciousness within the world!



I AM the Liberating Violet Flame of
the Fourth and Fifth Root Races!

The Violet Flame is a specific Energy, Vibration and Consciousness,
intended for this Cosmic Moment on Earth.

The Violet Flame liberates ego, represented as karmic patterns.

The Violet Flame then liberates the Higher Frequency
Perfection Patterns of embodied Solar Consciousness.

One is our ego past …and one is our Divine future.
The Violet Flame brings them both into here and now.

This is living empty of self, time and space.
This is living Ascended and Free!

The Violet Flame Liberates Solar DNA, now governing all
action of our cells, molecules and atoms, which then
express Youth and Beauty, Health and Wellness!

And whereas ego frequency distorts DNA, expressing
as distress, disease and aging … the Violet Flame
Liberates the Divine Potential of the I AM Race!


The Violet Flame Liberates fear, resentment and anger.
The Violet Flame Liberates distress, disease, injury and aging.
The Violet Flame Liberates criticism, condemnation and judgment.

The Violet Fire is Freedom’s Holy Flame!
The Violet Flame is the Torch of Liberty.
The Violet Fire is the Liberation Flame!

The Goddess of Liberty is the Cosmic Mother
of Beloved Saint Germain, and thus, Mother
of the New Age of Spiritual Liberty!

The Violet Flame Liberates Humanity’s karmic debt.
The Violet Flame Liberates embodied Solar Consciousness.
The Violet Flame Liberates the Seventh Ray Dispensation.
The Violet Flame Liberates our Spiritual Freedom.

The Violet Flame Liberates our Twelve-fold Solar
Kundalini, thus Liberating our Solar Christ Presence.
I AM this Great Solar Disc functioning within Humanity!

The Violet Flame is the transition from the age
of karma to the Age of Spiritual Freedom!


Dear Ones, as we gain command of this Sacred Fire, then all our thoughts, feelings, words and deeds bring Quantum Fluctuations within and all around us, even globally. And as I AM this Divine Instrument, I may now guide, guard and direct my level of Quantum States …my level of ‘quantumness’! I AM slowly but steadily progressing in my Ascension Process from 'particle-function' to 'wave-function', throughout my physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles, which allow for embodiment on our sweet Earth. My Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light are already at their Highest Frequency of Quantum States. Now is their Cosmic Moment to express this on Earth. This is what I AM! And I AM that I AM!

Thus, this is my only loyalty, my only focus of attention! This is my journey …or Life Path …while in Service to Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom. My long arc of Spiritual Development on Earth comes to fruition with this Mastery of Sacred Fire and its Sacred Vibrational Fields. This is the Alpha and Omega of my First Desire …to embody on Earth, through many embodiments of ‘lessons’, leading to this Cosmic Moment where the Next Life Wave Coming now dawns within and around Humanity and our sweet Earth.

But in this Ascension Process there are Transformational Events in Consciousness, designed to alter the trajectory of Humanity’s current arc of spiritual development. These events are ‘agents of change’  and may appear as imbalance or even discord. It may occur this way because some ancient karmic patterns require ‘deconstruction’ to their basic components of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness …then a reset at ‘basepoint’ …from which new Perfection Patterns emerge.

Thus, the desired outer appearance or ‘effects’ of this Next Life Wave Coming occur only after a firm foundation of Cause is settled into the Consciousness of the planet. It is first inward Transformational Events in Consciousness …and then its outer expression. So, look not outward for confirmation of Light Service …but look inward to the Eternal Flame and its service to First Cause. This is our ‘reason for Being’, here and now in this Cosmic Moment. This was our vows before the Karmic Board before accepting this embodiment.

Beloved Ones, the Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self is embodied Solar Consciousness as the Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness of the Seventh Ray / Violet Fire …with the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure as the Focus of Mercy, the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit as the Focus of Compassion and the Eternal Sun of God Illumination as the Focus of Forgiveness …all practiced in Rhythmic Ceremony. Here I AM the embodied Solar Consciousness liberating the Fourth and Fifth Root Races! Let us bring this Rhythmic and Ceremonious Practice into our daily life.

I AM this embodied Solar Consciousness
of the Cosmic Violet Flame!




Beloved Children of the Light, holding the Immaculate Concept for Humanity and her Ascension Process …thank you for joining me in my Temple of the Fourth Root Race …and abiding here with me in the Great Solar Quiet of my Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light. Let us sojourn together, standing in the Light …as if you have come to the high Himalayan Mountains, in the rarified air and strong Spiritual Currents established here over eons of Light Service. For in many embodiments, you may well have come here physically in your quest for Wisdom and Enlightenment. You will thus remember here the Sacred Tones of the Gongs and Bells as well as the Chants of Monks …and the soft drums generating the Rhythm of the Universal Heartbeat …all of which is the Song of our Sacred Vibrational Fields, into which you have now presented yourselves.

The Fourth Root Race includes all the Indigenous Peoples of Earth who have sojourned since ‘time immemorial’ in efforts to return Humanity to the Sacred Embrace of the wonderous Immaculate Concept of our sweet Earth …from before the ‘great fall’ in consciousness.  These Peoples know the Origin Story of ‘before there was substance, form and matter, there was only Energy, Vibration and Consciousness’ …where Humanity and the Nature Kingdom were each a Celestial Ray, anchoring as a Sacred Vibrational Field, encoded with a specific Cosmic Consciousness they had come to create and bless the world with. This included all the Spirits of Nature, Plants, Animals and Minerals, as well as their physical expression in the world of form, all in a Sacred Union with Humanity.

This allowed for an abiding Reverence for all Lifeall Lifeforce equally adored in the Eyes of Father / Mother God / Great Spirit. This further allowed for a synchronized Harmony and Balance between these expressions of Lifeforce …and hence also within the minds, bodies and feelings of Humanity embodied within the Fourth Root Race. The Fourth Root Race has always remembered the Law of Life ‘what you think and feel, you bring into form”.

The Fourth Root Race has an affinity with Deva Rajas (or Divine Rulers) of the Elemental Kingdom. These Great Elemental Lords and Ladies as well as all their Orders of Angels and Elementals serving with them, are very attuned to the Fourth Root Race and hold the Key to Harmony and Balance between Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom. They are the Wisdom Keepers of how Harmony and Balance were maintained on Earth before the ‘great fall’ in Consciousness. And thus, we attune to this Wisdom now for our return to that Ascended and Free State …for both Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom!

It was during the Fourth Root Race when the ‘great fall’ in Consciousness occurred, specifically its third sub-race which was perfectly exemplifying the I AM Race. It was these very traits of Reverence for all Life that encouraged them to volunteer to foster the ‘planetary orphans’ seeking an opportunity to complete their Ascension from within a denser ‘world of form’. They answered this call from within Universal I AM! But their Love nature was not balanced enough by Wisdom and Power …and thus they took on the imbalance rather than solve it.

With this ‘great fall’, the Masculine Ray, whose expression was to be highlighted in the Fifth Root Race, also became imbalanced as an authoritarian force and easily took advantage of these souls (the Fourth Root Race and the planetary orphans). The Feminine Ray was to be highlighted during the Fourth Root Race …the highlight of which was Lemuria with its Golden Ages. And after that, the Masculine Ray was to be highlighted during the Fifth Root Race …the highlight of which was Atlantis and its Golden Ages. At certain points of these Major Cycles, both the Feminine Ray and Masculine Ray expressed their Divine Potential …but both also fell into imbalance …which leads to our present moment.

And now the Manus strongly desire the assistance of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity to reset the spiritual parameters of both, resulting in the Harmony and Balance of the Masculine / Feminine Rays. For this is the Sacred Vibrational Field into which the Sixth and Seventh Root Races may safely embody and bring their Golden Ages to fruition. We love and adore the Causal Powers within your Spiritual Agency …becoming the Co-creation Forcefield of this Divine Plan.

I invite you to sojourn often in this Solar Year, here in the High Himalayan Vibrational Fields of Enlightenment, as we serve together in the First Cause of Spiritual Freedom for all Root Races within the I AM Race.




Beloved Children of the Light …I AM the Spiritual Personification,  the Essence of Perfection Patterns destined for the Fifth Root Race …as is each Manu of their respective Root Race.  Each is unique. I have developed and perfected certain attributes of the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity in the Sun and Central Sun and offered these to Father / Mother God as an Archetype for one of the Seven Root Races to embody within the Divine Plan of the I AM Race on Earth. Long have I awaited the coming of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity …a rising tide of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness that raises up all life floating on the vibrational fields of daily life on Earth.

It is my service to ‘gather my Beloved Fifth Root Race’ and all her sub-races into the Infinite Radiant Light of my Eternal Flame …enfolding them all in the Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Perfection beyond self, time and space …within the Pure Land of Boundless Splendor and Infinite Light! And in this Service to Life, your collective Eternal Flame now becomes an extension of my own! Thus, we draw the all the Root Races into the Eternal Flame of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity. And as you might know, the Manu of a Root Races cannot fully return Home, until every member of their Root Race has also returned Home, having completed their Ascension Process on Earth.

Dear Ones, Manu’s assist in the understanding and developing of the Causal Body of a particular Root Race. This development began long before embodiment, while sojourning with the Manu in the Spheres of Light around the planet, as well as the Spheres of Light around Father / Mother God in the Sun, and Central Sun. This is where each individual begins developing Cosmic Momentums along each of the Seven Rays of the Holy Christ Self …as well as glimpses of the eventual Twelve-fold Momentum of Solar Consciousness.

All of this Spiritual Development before embodying occurs in the Aura of the Silent Watcher of the planet involved, in this case our Beloved Immaculata. She holds the Immaculate Concept for all Root Races! And within her Spheres of Light, each one evolves their Inner Momentum of Spiritual Agency in this training. Such Cosmic Impetus for Divine Co-creation is then stored forever, becoming each one’s Causal Body. And when opportunity arises for embodiment, each one is then eager to bring it forth once their sub-race (within a Root Race) is called forth for embodiment. The Manu serves as the Template for such Spiritual Development and I would then teach and train according to the Divine Plan of our particular Root Race and specifically, a certain sub-race therein.

And gradually all seven sub-races of the Root Race would gain opportunity to express their Cosmic Momentum in the world of form and progress through their Ascension Process …eventually graduating back into the Cosmic Gathering of the Root Race in the Spheres of Light …where the Manu awaits. This is Cosmic Home. The Causal Body is the Aura or Cosmic Momentum of the Mighty I AM Presence that desires to express its full Love, Wisdom and Power into the Co-creation of the world and thus leave it a better, more enlightened planet than when they first embodied.  This is now your moment to create the open and receptive Consciousness within Humanity …clearing ‘the Way’ so that the Fourth and Fifth Root Races may express their Causal Body Momentum within daily life. This then clears the Way for the full Glory of the Sixth and Seventh Root Races to express in the New Age of Spiritual Freedom.

During the long arc of the Fifth Root Race, we have taught the ‘Mount of Attainment’ along the Masculine Ray lineage of seeking Spiritual Enlightenment. This was principally centered in the East, particularly in the Himalayan Mountains. But the Major Polarity Cycle is changing, where the Feminine Ray and its Focus over (and within) Lake Titicaca and the Andes Mountains …representing the southern hemisphere and ‘the west’ versus ‘the east’ …is to become the Major Source of Wisdom and God Illumination on Earth. The Sixth and Seventh Root Races are now accentuated as we witness the dawning Age of Spiritual Freedom …which will flower the expression of the Feminine Ray of God Illumination from God / Goddess Meru. And with such re-balance of the Masculine Ray, I await the return of my Fifth Root Race from their long arc of spiritual development and completing their Ascension Process.

For now, let us examine the Nature of God Illumination …and how it is the Divine Order of Universal I AM unfolding …within Nature as well as the Elemental Kingdom, including the vehicles of Humanity. God Illumination now centers on the Divine Order of the unfolding Next Life Wave Coming. It is as if a Higher Frequency Dimension is unfolding in, through and around those whose desire is to move forward with our sweet Earth along her Ascension Process.

With the Four Cardinal Forcefields of the Next Life Wave Coming now asserting their Spiritual Impetus within Humanity, the Ascension Process will quicken the Fourth and Fifth Root Races to complete their Ascension Process on Earth and advance with their Manu …riding the Cosmic Waves of all the Higher Dimensional Planes within this Next Life Wave Coming.  For such Transformational Events in Consciousness will include the full Glory of the Sixth and Seventh Root Races on Ascended and Free Earth …but also the fulfillment of the Fourth and Fifth Root Races in their next phase of Spiritual Development within other Dimensions, Realms, and Spheres of Light.


In the Cycles of Root Races, they will mingle at the transitions of the Root Races, with the goal being to find Peace within the Ascension Process for all involved  …in active Co-creation between the previous as well as the next Root Race. Currently the Fourth and Fifth Root Races mingle and seek peace with each other on many levels of physical, etheric, mental and emotional daily life. As well, they both seek Peace with the Sixth and Seventh Root Races coming into embodiment. Let us offer our God Illumination …now developed within embodied Solar Consciousness …to ever-expand this Forcefield of Peace within the global Ascension Process of all Root Races involved.

Let affirm and visualize …

I AM abiding in the Great Solar Quiet
of my Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light.


Humanity abides in the Great Solar Quiet
of her Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light.


The Fourth Root Race abides in the Great Solar Quiet
of her Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light.


The Fifth Root Race abides in the Great Solar Quiet
of her Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light.


The incoming Sixth and Seventh Root Races abide in the Great
Solar Quiet of their Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light!


Every person, place, condition and thing within each
Root Race abides in the Great Solar Quiet of its
Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light.


The entire Elemental Kingdom abides in the Great Solar
Quiet of Earth’s Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light.


I AM all Lifeforce finding Peace, as we Gather it all
within the Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light!


By the Power of the Three-fold Flame
vested in me by Father / Mother God ... 

I AM the Gathering of Ascending Humanity, activating
her Spiritual Agency in the Co-creation of the world!

I AM Earth's Peace Divine
here, there and everywhere present!


Beloved of my Flame ...at this transition period, let us also Invoke all the Powers of Peace Divine, who have come over the ages to assist the Fourth and Fifth Root Races to express this Peace on Earth. Beloved Lord Surya, and his Temple of Peace (near Suva), was a high point (physically and Spiritually) on Lemuria (now on the Etheric Plane). It was his Temple that was the point where the Fourth Root Races first embodied on Earth. His anchorage of the Celestial Ray of Peace is directly anchored from the Sun and Central Sun …and is one of the Twelve Houses of the Sun now anchored within our embodied Solar Consciousness.

As well, Beloved Lord Saithru is Manu of the Seventh Root Race and is active in the understanding and then using that God Illumination in developing Great Directors of Divine Peace from within the Gathering of Ascending Humanity. He foresaw the need for Divine Peace to arise and expand from within the Feminine Ray of God Illumination …now active this Solar Year. Also, the Mighty Elohim of Peace (known by many ancient Names or Tones, including currently, Beloved Tranquility and Pacifica) have also expanded their Solar Rays of Peace from the Central Sun into the open and receptive Consciousness of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity. Their Cosmic Rays are also within the Great Solar Disc!

In the Divine Plan, the Masculine Ray was to play a prominent role within the Fifth Root Race …just as the Feminine Ray had equally played a prominent role within the Fourth Root Race. It was under the Feminine Ray Influence that the Fourth Root Race took in the planetary orphans …as a Great Mother might do …which was a tremendous sacrifice of service! This also then lead to the ‘great fall’ in Consciousness of Humanity, when curiosity and rebellion within Humanity towards the laggard energies, overcame loyalty to the Eternal Flame and its Great Solar Quiet.

Now the goal is to transform all imbalance of the Masculine Ray remaining within the Fifth Root Race, so that the Sixth and Seventh Root Races may embody into a perfect Harmony and Balance of the two poles of Divinity.  Our God Illumination reveals that ongoing Light Service is required to truly remove all the imbalance and return the Garden of the Gods, expressing as Energy, Vibration and Consciousness specifically prepared for the Sixth and Seventh Root Races.

And the Spiritual Forcefields necessary for this endeavor are continually presented to the Gathering of Ascending Humanity for this purpose.  ‘The Way’ has been made ready for the Victory of this Light Service. But in such service, let us remain in Cause, rather than see the remaining illusion of imbalance. When loyalty to First Cause is primary, the desired manifestation will automatically come within the Great Cycles of Transition regarding the Root Races.

This Light Service is aimed at the origins of things …that before there is substance, matter and form, there is only Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. In remaining loyal to First Cause, we center our Light Service within Sacred Fire Forcefields, now being applied to the lower frequency energies, vibration fields and altered consciousness that causes the expressed imbalance in the first place. Be vigilant that some of the expressed imbalance seen in daily life may be the ‘agents of change’ that is required to cause the Transformational Events in Consciousness we desire. And, if seen in this view, is much less distressing …especially as we continue to hold the Immaculate Concept of our Ascended and Free Earth. Such is the long arc of Spiritual Development within time and space …yet the Divine Potential is instantaneous once the ‘tipping point’ is reached!

So Dear Ones, Light Service is ongoing …and for most Light Servers, if you were not doing it here on our sweet Earth, you would be serving on some other ‘domain’ or ‘plane of existence’ where the need is also evident. For such is your long Arc of Light Service across Universal I AM! The stamina and fortitude for such service is found in the Peace of remaining in True Identity …and functioning as Divine Instrument …and thus expressing all the Cosmic Momentum within your Causal Body!


I offer my Light Service within embodied Solar Consciousness!
I AM experiencing Quantum States of Energy …Quantum
States of Matter and …Quantum States of Intelligent
Divine Order …all of which is within this Light!

I AM this Quantum State Being of Light!



[1] Sometimes spelled Vaisasvata Manu