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February 2022


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:









(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Multi-dimensional,
Transmuting, Ascending Energies within the Cosmic Violet Fire.

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Multi-dimensional,
Transmuting, Ascending Energies within the Cosmic Violet Fire.



I AM an Eternal Flame and
I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!

I AM empty of self and the karma of self
And I AM the Flame of Immortality!

I AM empty of the world and the karma of the world
And I AM a Global Flame ...a Global Presence.

I AM empty of time and the karma of time ...and
I AM Eternally Flame ...the Global Flame of the I AM Race!

I AM empty of space and the karma of space ...
all separation and exclusion ...and I AM the Infinite Radiant
Light of the Eternal Flame ...here, there and everywhere present!

I AM the Flame of Immortality and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!
I AM the Miracle Working Presence of God ...in action!
I AM open and receptive to Transformational Events
in Consciousness, occurring throughout this day.
I AM an open opportunity for the Divine
...manifesting in every way!

I AM open and receptive to the Next Life
Wave Coming ...every day and in every way!
I AM its Divine Instrument, conducting only
Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.
I AM, that I AM, that I AM!

My Eternal Flame is limitless in its Divine Potential.
I AM its Divine Potential as the Flame of Peace on Earth.
I AM its Divine Potential as the Cosmic Violet Fire on Earth.
I AM its Divine Potential as a Ray of Healing anchored on Earth.
I AM the limitless Divine Potential of every Sacred Flame!
I AM the Divine Potential along every Divine Ray!
And I AM ...that I AM ...THAT I AM!

And specific to this Cosmic Moment,
I AM the Cosmic Violet Fire in action here and now,
acting through my physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles,
my family and loved ones, my world and affairs and finances;
through Light Service on Earth ...as well as all persons,
places, conditions and things of daily life!

In this Cosmic Moment, I AM offering my embodiment into
Service to the Cosmic Violet Fire ...so that I AM an
Ending and a New Beginning, born again
into my full Divine Potential!

I AM the Divine Love Flame within the Cosmic Violet Fire.
I AM the Flame of Restoration within the Cosmic Violet Fire.
I AM the Flame of First Cause within the Cosmic Violet Fire.
I AM the Celestial Healing Flame within the Cosmic Violet Fire.
I AM the Celestial Wisdom Flame within the Cosmic Violet Fire.

I AM the Flame of Immortality, the Three-fold Flame expressing
as the Violet Flame, combining the Blue and Pink Flames into
the Violet, with its Golden Radiance of God Illumination!

I AM an Eternal Flame ...Eternally Flame ...free from
all lower frequency imbalance ...and free into all
the Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Light
the Flame manifests within.

I AM empty of time / space and the karma of space / time.
I AM the Transfiguration, Restoration and Ascension of all
disease, distress and fear in my life, in my family and loved
ones, in all Light Service ...as well as in the entire world!

I AM the Transfiguration, Restoration and Ascension of all
condemnation, criticism and judgment ...all separation, injustice,
and exclusion ...on all Earth planes and levels of daily life.

I carry the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves along my
Solar Spine ...all levels of life, from sub-atomic life, through
all the Elemental Kingdoms of Nature, through all the levels
of Humanity's development of Consciousness, through to
Ascended and Free States on Earth ...and: "As I AM
raised up, so is all life raised up with me"!

I AM the Flame of Immortality, centering the Cosmic Maltese Cross,
setting this sweet Earth Free into her Higher Orbit, Frequency
and Divine Potential of Spiritual Freedom!





Beloved Ones, let us begin all Light Service this Solar Year within Lord Michael's Electric Blue Sword of Cosmic Christ Lightning, wrapped in that Cloak of Invisibility and Invincibility, surrounded by Legions of Cosmic Seraphim in Victory Formation. And from this Ascended and Free State of Power, Protection and Invisibility to any lower forces, we move forward in the Flame of Immortality and the Infinite Perfection Patterns of its Radiant Light. Here I AM the Cosmic Christ in action. From this position of full Protection, Power and Authority do we offer our Light Service. And SO IT IS!

Within this Mighty Protection Forcefield let us then proceed with all other Light Service. Let us begin this month by contemplating our Beloved Sanat Kumara. This Beloved Being once served himself as the Chohan of the Seventh Ray, representing the Violet Fire.[1] He has assisted other planets within this Solar System, and in Solar Systems beyond, in their Path of the Ascension, working closely with the Archangel Lord Zadkiel. This explains why his Royal Standard is on a Purple Field, alit by the Light of a Thousand Suns, with the Star of Sanat Kumara central in that Purple Field. Our New Solar Year contains the Perfection Patterns of all his training and expertise through his entire evolution, leading up to his position as Lord of Venus and more recently, Regent of Shamballa here on Earth. Let us begin to Inbreathe, Absorb, Assimilate, Expand and Project all this Cosmic Violet Fire Momentum from his Forcefield, now shining brilliantly within the Eye of Divine Liberty.

[1] After the ‘great fall' and the coming of Sanat Kumara, the first Chohan of the Seventh Ray at that moment was Lord Zadkiel the Archangel, offering to serve in this capacity, given the severe levels of imbalance at the time. He was followed by Beloved Sanat Kumara himself (so that the Archangel could focus on other duties of an Archangel) then by Lord Gautama Buddha ...then our Goddess of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness, Beloved Kwan Yin ...and now, our Beloved Saint Germain. The gentle reader can see from this how much responsibility and experience every member of the Spiritual Hierarchy has taken on to ensure the eventual Victory of our sweet Earth

Humanity is still in the process of her free will choice of aligning with the Love Ray of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness towards all life, with the full Power and Authority of all Suns in Divine Alignment ...or, the old, now defunct age of exclusion and the divisive influences of condemnation, criticism, judgment and injustice. There is a home ...a vibratory plane ...a 'frequency location' ...a 'planet' if you will, awaiting each choice. This includes Ascended and Free Earth in her Ascended and Free Love Orbit ...or, a slower vibrational 'frequency location' (planet) with a longer developmental trajectory...but again, a home base populated by free will choice. The Violet Fire is designed to clear the way for as many as possible, hopefully all, to make the collective Ascension with our sweet Earth into her Higher Frequency Love Orbit.

There are multiple opportunities for all Humanity to align with the Next Life Wave Coming, in whatever aspect of daily life that holds their interest. These will appear to most of Humanity as 'moments of clarity or synchronicity', in any field of endeavor. But these moments are also opportunity for attuning with Divine Potential (in whatever terms the outer mind may accept this). These are moments of alignment with the Seventh Ray of Spiritual Freedom ...with the Divine Feminine Ray entering daily life ...with the New Sixth and Seventh Root Race Energies (and assisting in the expression of the Perfection Patterns of their Manus within daily life) ...in short, attuned with the Next Life Wave Coming!

Humanity is closer to these 'moments of clarification' than seems obvious to the outer mind. For the bulk of Humanity these occur in quiet moments, in small daily epiphanies, or in sleep / dreams. There are also multiple opportunities of aligning with the Angels and Elementals, offering alternatives to pursuing life in greater alignment with our sister Kingdoms. Daily life is full of free will choices and they are being made by all Humanity at ever higher frequencies ...actively or passively, known or unknown to the outer mind. Our Light Service is to clear the way with the Sacred Fire for as many as possible to choose, through free will, the Way of the Light and the Path of Spiritual Freedom!

The Next Life Wave Coming is not measured in time and space, but is seen through the lens of Cosmic Cycles, in a Return to Oneness. In this Galaxy, the centrifugal forces of outward expansion have had their day (the Outbreath) when individuation comes to its peak ...the separation of things to their smallest aspects. And now ...Endings and New Beginnings. So now, centripetal forces begin to govern ...and we gradually return to Oneness Consciousness on the Inbreath ...and the Indivisible Flowing Wholeness of Universal I AM. This is accomplished person to person, nation to nation, planet to planet, Solar System to Solar System and then Galaxy to Galaxy ...until a full Return to Source for all life under the auspices of the Great Central Sun, Elohae and Eloha. This entire Cosmic Event is awaiting its next necessary step ...the redemption of our sweet Earth in preparation for her inclusion in this Great Cosmic Inbreath.

In this service, let us consider the Celestial Pagoda along our Solar Spine. A pagoda contains the relics of our ancestors. With our return to First Cause, our Forcefield of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves contains the Electronic Perfection Patterns, the spiritual 'relics' of Humanity's Divine Potential, and all the Perfection Patterns that have ever manifested in any Root Races, in any Golden Ages ...or, are to manifest in the coming Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom! It is all here and now. All the Perfection Patterns for the Divine Potential of every level of life on Earth are within the Pagoda, and its Seven Levels of Electronic Ascension Patterns.

And in my True Identity and functioning as my Divine Instrument ...I AM one with all Seven Levels of the Pagoda. And for each one, I AM open and receptive to the Next Life Wave Coming. This is First Cause manifesting through me, along the Seven Chakra Suns composing my Solar Spine. Thus, I AM God in Action on a Cosmic Scale, right here on Earth! As I AM raised up so is all life raised up with me ...as I deeply accept my Oneness Consciousness with:

all sub-atomic and elemental matter;
all simple cellular plant and animal life;
all complex and developed plant and animal life;
all mass consciousness of Humanity in her daily life,
all 'accelerating evolving awareness' of Humanity;
all the Wisdom Consciousness of Humanity;
all Ascended and Free Humanity!

We manifest this by becoming our True Identity and Divine Instrument. We do so through living lives empty of self and the karma of self, as well as empty of the world and the karma of the world. In doing so, let us first invoke, and expand our greatest Loving Gratitude to our Beloved Body Elemental. This magnificent Deva has sustained our ongoing opportunity for this Ascension Process from the Earth plane, and for much longer than ever thought possible ...through so many embodiments in the eventual development of our Ascended and Free Consciousness. This Deva is a Master of Divine Alchemy in the sciences of Regeneration, Restoration, Transfiguration, Resurrection and the Ascension. Without this Deva, we would not have this embodied opportunity!

And as we gather, standing together in the Light of our Eternal Flame, let us invoke this Great Deva to transpose from our Eternal Flame, all the Perfection Patterns necessary in restoring the Quantum State of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles, for use in daily life. This Deva is our Temple of the Divine in daily life and we are (I AM!) the Eternal Flame upon its Altar ...as well as the Altar within the Flame Room ...and, the Flame Room within the Temple! I AM the Flame of Immortality anchored on Earth! And my Body Elemental desires to express this Truth as my full Light Body!

Imagine and feel the Quantum State of our emotional body, primarily composed of the water Elemental. This vehicle now sings with the Higher Frequency Feeling States of Holy Spirit, permeating every cell, atom and electron of our Being with that Joy and Glory of Existence. Imagine and visualize the Quantum State of our mental body, primarily composed of the air Elemental. Its Quantum State is the Cosmic Clarity and Crystal Vision of the Mind of God. Its Peace of Mind is rooted in its Reality that I AM an Eternal Flame ...that I AM Eternally Flame!

Imagine and feel the Quantum State of our etheric body, primarily composed of the fire Elemental. Its Quantum State expresses the fiery Spheres of Light of our Causal Body and the full spectrum of the Seven Chakra Suns. It governs perfectly the Regeneration, Transfiguration, Resurrection and the Ascension of all organ and meridian systems in the body. Then finally, imagine and feel the Quantum State of our physical body, primarily composed of the earth Elemental.[2] Its Quantum Matter State contains the qualities of the 'force-carrier particle', the photon, which gives off no mass and no heat, yet creates a tangible presence of our Being in the world of form. It manifests Quantum Matter, as the Perfection Patterns of Health and Wellness, Strength and Stamina, Youth and Beauty, Simplicity and Symmetry.

[2] It is true that much of our physical body contains the water elemental, but this represents physically how much of our presence on Earth is our emotional world, the most powerful of our vehicles! Earth, air, fire and water are all represented in our physical body, as it is the repository of our thoughts, feelings, and memories.

On a practical level of daily life, when we have a feeling that is uncomfortable, let us ask "Is this a feeling of 'the self' and the 'karma of self' or, is this a feeling of Cosmic Holy Spirit from Higher Frequency Realms. With an uncomfortable thought or stream of thinking, let us ask: "Is this a thought from self and the karma of condemnation, criticism and judgment ...or is this a Perfection Pattern from the Mind of God?" With an uncomfortable memory, let us ask: "Is this a memory of self or the karma of the world ...or is it a memory of Higher Frequency Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Light within my Causal Body?" With an uncomfortable physical state, let us ask, "Is this the result of ego and the karma of self ...or is this a Higher Frequency sensation of my Light Body?"

If the answer is 'of the self' or 'the karma of the world', we place it in the Eternal Flame ...knowing with certainty that it proceeds through its Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension into its own Divine Potential ...set free into the Light! Doing so is becoming a Priest / Priestess of Sacred Fire, revealed as our daily Ceremonies. If the answer is that it originates with our Divine Self, then live in that moment and revel in its Holiness. This is living Ascended and Free, even while we yet resolve our karmic debt and that of the world. This is our Building of Divine Self and thus Building of Divine Consciousness and an Eternal Life in the Light! This is the Practice of becoming our Divine Instrument and anchoring our True Identity!

And then imagine that we may accomplish this collectively for the planet ...together, standing in the Light ...the Restoration of our sweet Earth into its Spiritual Freedom! Empty of the world and the karma of the world, this is our Eternal Flame as its global Presence!




Beloved Ones, I greet you as individual, Electro-magnetic Forcefields within the Celestial Forcefield of the Cosmic Christ. I greet you within the Star of Sanat Kumara ...and along with you, I bow before our Beloved Regent at Shamballa. I AM one who followed this Great Lord of Love to redeem a sister planet, coming from Venus at his calling. Several of us came to embody within the shadow planet, earn our Ascension from within this difficult realm and ascend from it ...thus setting a Path to establish a Spiritual Hierarchy who could then guide, guard and direct Humanity back to her Divine Plan. I watched in reverence as Beloved Lord Gautama became the first among us to make such an Ascension ...and I also remain in his service to this day. And since this humble beginning, the Spiritual Hierarchy has grown ...and here we are now in Unity with a global body of Light Servers in that same service.

The Cosmic Christ speaks through countless voices within the collective goodness of Humanity ...as well as the Angels and Elementals ...all aspects of the Voice of the Great I AM expressing on Earth. The Cosmic Christ serves through this Group Avatar ...the Gathering of Ascending Humanity, achieving her True Identity as her Divine Instrument ...the Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self. Ascending Humanity now becomes the Healing Agent, as the embodied Christ has always been. This Healing is to remind Humanity that she is not the illusion she appears, nor is daily life the illusion it appears. But rather, each one has a Divine Potential to become a Flower in the Garden of God ...as seen through the Third Eye, purely in terms of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.

Currently, there are many unpleasant etheric memories arising, visible upon the screen of life. This is difficult to bear witness to. A detached 'bearing witness' is part of the healing process. So there is a greater purpose, that this energy may also proceed through its Transfiguration, Resurrection and the Ascension ...and thus into Earth's New Orbit of Divine Love. These memories are strong. And depending on past experiences, they may separate Humanity into 'camps'. Some of Humanity are very sensitive to these etheric karmic patterns coming up to be set free and are triggered by these ancient archetypal memories of great imbalance, as if they are happening here and now.

It is the nature of how past trauma arises into awareness. Certain parts of the population feel very strongly about 'what seems to be reality' and act accordingly. But they are 'time travelling' and this is part of the karma of time. The past is living through them now. And in our detached Light Service, we see only the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness involved with this process. We then Love it Free ...invoking the Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness of the Feminine Ray Buddha, our Beloved Kwan Yin.

Others are not so affected by this karma and can see it for the illusion it is. But these karmic patterns all require a Healing so that all Humanity may 'let go' of what seemingly divides us ...and stand with a firm grasp on the Inner Truth of the Cosmic Christ in all of us ...in Humanity as ONE 'I AM' Race. This is what the Gathering of Ascending Humanity now brings to the world ...One Race of Humanity ...but at its Highest Frequency. Humanity needs a Healing Forcefield stronger than the ego forces of condemnation, criticism and judgment. Such is the service of the Sacred Fire.

Beloved Jesus was a Healing Agent of the Cosmic Christ, especially to the least popular of his time (lepers, etc.) ...any who appeared as outcasts in society. Yet now, most of Humanity are not the 'favored', but rather 'the struggling', feeling like outcasts ...whether it be financially, by health standards (physical, mental and emotional health) or from lack of moral compass or sense of significant purpose in life. Let us offer these masses the solace of Healing and the return to True Identity and Divine Purpose.

In returning to our Ascended and Free State, we strive to become empty of self, time and space. Empty of space is also empty of judgement as to the perceived psychological or spiritual distance between persons, places, conditions and things ...beyond any physical sense of distance and separation. Once free of karma, Oneness Consciousness removes all sense of separation ...on every level of being ...so that we feel a vast interconnectedness with all life ...Human, Angelic and Elemental, everywhere present!

The Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves represents all these levels. And now this Forcefield thrives along our Solar Spine, with all life Ascending with us. In this visualization, let us emphasize a deeper sense of Spiritual Oneness with all life, free of judgement ...as if the entire Pagoda is all part of our Body and our Consciousness ...all of it becoming the Body and Consciousness of the Cosmic Christ. This is the Holy Communion of this New Age ...and our daily Ceremony.

In using the Sacred Fire, we affirm that we release all life from any entanglements with the lower mental / emotional Earth planes. As we do, we are (I AM!) releasing these energies from one planet to the next ...from 'ego based daily life Earth' ...to the New Age of Spiritual Freedom 'on Ascended and Free Earth'. Those involved may not proceed anywhere in time or space ...only transform in Energy, Vibration and Consciousness to their own Divine Potential ...existing now on Freedom's Holy Star! Contemplate this! This Invocation to be 'released from earthly ties' we do for the recently departed, having passed through death. But let us make this call for all life abiding within daily life, here and now, so that they too achieve their Spiritual Freedom without the need for departure from the physical plane! This represents the 'whole world ascending' within daily life!

I AM the Planetary Buddha as well as holding the Office of the Cosmic Christ. In opening our Buddha Nature, let us feel truly receptive, like an opening Lotus Flame Flower ...opening our Consciousness, as well as each of our Chakra Suns, as well as our entire physical, etheric, mental and emotional Presence. Let us see, feel and deeply accept the Divine Alignment of the Seventh Ray and the Feminine Ray, transposed upon this visualization. And then we have the Seventh Ray, Feminine Ray Buddha, currently embodied by Beloved Kwan Yin. It is the Buddhic Energies of the Feminine Ray that steadily resolve the imbalance of 'Masculine Ray predominance' which has caused much of the distress currently upon the screen of life.

Affirm: I AM the Buddha's Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness within the Cosmic Violet Fire. I AM a Priest / Priestess in the Order of Zadkiel. My Temple Life is my daily, Rhythmic Ceremonies of Loving Life Free. I invoke, focus, concentrate, expand and project this Sacred Fire into every person, place, condition and thing that reveals its suffering ...assisting its Ascension into the Light. Such suffering finds the Sacred Fire through entering my awareness (as it did with the original Buddha, Lord Gautama). Together, standing in the Light of the Feminine Ray Buddha, I AM a Cosmic Forcefield greater than any imbalance yet expressing ...with the purpose of loving it free into the Light of its own Divine Potential. This is who I AM! And I AM that I AM!

The manifestation of the Cosmic Christ individually is the Seventh Ray Solar Christ Self ...an embodied Light Server anointed of the Seventh Ray, the Feminine Ray, the Rays of the Sixth and Seventh Root Race Manus, and the Celestial Currents of the Great Cosmic Inbreath ...anointed with the Next Life Wave Coming. Remaining open and receptive to this certainty sustains our Presence on Ascended and Free Earth, in her Orbit of Divine Love. We remain an anchor there for all life yearning for this same Spiritual Freedom!

Light Service is in maintaining constancy with the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of the Next Life Wave Coming. The Violet Fire is specifically designed for this. There is a Yin / Yang Activity to the Violet Fire ...that it both transmutes and transforms karmic energies through Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness ...but also anchors the God Illumination of being open and receptive to the New Age of Spiritual Freedom. And in this process, Transformation will be at the level of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness ...and not necessarily involve obvious 'phenomenon'.

The Five-Pointed Golden Love Star of Beloved Sanat Kumara initiates these coming Transformational Events ...and the Violet Fire clears the way for Humanity being open and receptive to its meaning. Again, just as there was a Christmas Star foretelling the Christian Age, so there is a Star foretelling the Seventh Ray Age of Spiritual Freedom. The Christmas Star was foreseen by Wise Men and Women who initially anchored that Age, through seeing its purpose and being open and receptive to it. This included Beloved Mother Mary and Beloved Saint Germain, as Joseph ...plus the three Wisemen (Beloved Ascended Masters Kuthumi, El Morya and Djwal Khul). And of course, the Twelve Disciples who served with Beloved Jesus who were faithful enough to be open and receptive to Holy Spirit once Beloved Jesus left them ....and then many more generations in the spiritual anchorage of the Christian Age.

And just like the Christmas Star, so too do all presently embodied Light Servers anchor the New Age through being open and receptive to the Great Love Star and its purpose, its Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. This Great Love Star brings the most Powerful Activity of Divine Love ...the Seventh Ray Age of Spiritual Freedom. And then, Ceremonies with the Violet Fire clears the way for this to expand across the inner life of all Humanity! So, in our visualization we see this 'future' as the here and now ...with all Humanity open and receptive to its Celestial Currents.

Many of the Spiritual Hierarchy and indeed many embodied Light Servers, have worked with Beloved Sanat Kumara along the Seventh Ray before ...on other Planets and even other Solar Systems, to bring his Star of Transformational Events to those open and receptive to a New Age, for their Race and their Beloved Planet. He brings the most Powerful Activity of Divine Love, learned from his Guru, Beloved Krishna and Sophia to any endeavor where this Forcefield might be the deciding factor for Victory!

He did this when he first chose to leave his City of the Sun (Shamballa, on Venus) and come to Earth to redeem Humanity as a race and our sweet Earth as a planet, from being permanently etherealized from this Solar System. He now finishes this Service in the form of his Great Love Star coming again to Earth! Now it is the Gathering of Ascending Humanity anchoring this Love Forcefield to create opportunity for Humanity to become 'open and receptive' to this Next Life Wave Coming. Affirm with me, as cells in the Body of the Cosmic Christ ...

I AM anchoring the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness
that will take the Earth into her Spiritual Freedom!
This is what I AM ...and I AM that I AM!

Now we are ONE ...together, standing in the Light of our Eternal Flame
...within the Celestial Forcefield of the Cosmic Christ!




Welcome Beloved Ones ...as Friends of Freedom's Holy Light! Welcome into your further training as Divine Directors of the Violet Fire and into the Order of Zadkiel!

The Violet Fire has its Masculine Ray and Feminine Ray aspects of its Sacred Activity. ...the Masculine Ray representing the Power of Rhythmic Transmutation, and Transformation through the Divine Alchemy within Sacred Fire and carries the full God Authority and Power of Father / Mother God. The Violet Fire also has its Feminine Ray aspects of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness, and the gentle, simple Ceremonies of the Divine within daily life. The Violet Fire is the Twin Ray Activity of the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame ...the twinning of Blue Ray of Power and the Pink Ray of Love as the Violet Fire ...expressing within its complimentary color as the Golden Ray of God Illumination. The Violet Fire is the Flame of Immortality expressing for this New Age.

The Cosmic Violet Fire clears the way for the true Spiritual Freedom of the Light ...the Infinite Radiant Light of each one's Eternal Flame radiating here, there and everywhere present ...affecting all persons, places, conditions and things. We have done this Light Service on other Planets and within other Solar Systems ...sustained to the final point of Victory. And with the assistance of the embodied Order of Zadkiel (Friends of Freedom of Beloved Saint Germain) and the Legions of the Order of Zadkiel on this side of the veil, so shall it now be on Earth!

The Seraphim of the Cosmic Violet Fire have served on many Planets and Solar Systems, assisting many Races to their Ascension in the Light. On Earth, they principally serve to assist Humanity from the (psychic and astral) realms of imbalance that have built up since the ‘great fall'. Humanity is most aware of their Forcefield just after passing through the gates of death and just before passing through the gates of birth. These Violet Fire Angels assist in the purification of karmic debt and memories of imbalance preceding the soul's presentation before the Karmic Board (after death), sometimes resting in this Sacred Fire for long periods of time. This Violet Fire Forcefield has been visualized as Rivers of Sacred Fire, governed by the Violet Fire Seraphim. Then before being released from the Temples of Birth, souls are again bathed in the Violet Fire to have a 'fresh start' in a new embodiment, before the necessity of their personal stream of karma being released into that embodiment (generally from twelve onwards). This explains the innocence of childhood and why Beloved Jesus would affirm, "Lest you become like little children" ...meaning that Holy State of Innocence, free of karmic debt ...achieved through the Sacred Fire ...the natural State of Spiritual Freedom!

The Cosmic Violet Fire is freedom from all karma before it can act, manifest or longer be sustained ...when so engaged by Divine Directors of Sacred Fire. The Cosmic Violet Fire is freedom into the Next Life Wave Coming, as the Earth takes on her True Identity as Freedom's Holy Star.

Let us affirm the Law of Forgiveness on behalf of Humanity:

I stand in the Cosmic Violet Fire of Freedoms Love.
I AM forgiving all life who has ever caused me distress,
back to the very beginning of time.
I AM forgiven by all life whom I have ever caused distress to
at any point of time and space, in my journey of embodiments.

I AM the Cosmic Law of Forgiveness in action,
through my Eternal Flame, and the Eternal
Flame of the I AM Race of Humanity!

The Violet Fire now takes command!
It brings perfection from God's own Hand!
God's Light now takes full command today!
God's Light is here and here to stay!

Transmute, transmute by Violet Fire, all
causes and cores not of God's desire.
I AM Being of Cause alone ...that
Cause is Love, the Sacred Tone.

Through the Cosmic Violet Fire, I AM raising
up all life with me that requires Forgiveness!
I AM raising up all life with me requiring
Mercy, Compassion and Redemption!

As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me!
