July, 2024


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM …Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life,
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:

Our three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness
represents the recent Solar Year Themes
of Building Divine Self. 

The Sun of God Illumination is the
opening of the Eye of Divine Liberty.

The Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit is the Love Nature
of Venus blazing within the Star of Sanat Kumara.

 The Eternal Sun of Even Pressure is our Focus of
 Elemental Divine Potential the Initiation of
an embodied Star of Spiritual Freedom!

With this Momentum, I AM now the Divine Instrument
manifesting embodied Solar Consciousness!   



(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Prana of
embodied Divinity, as I AM Building Divine Self.

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Prana of
embodied Divinity, as Humanity is Building Divine Self.


I AM an Eternal Flame and
I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!
I AM the Prana, Vitality and Breath
of embodied Divinity!

The vehicle of my Ascension
is this embodied Solar Consciousness!

I AM manifesting this as:
The Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit.
The Eternal Sun of God Illumination.
The Eternal Sun of Elemental Constancy.

I AM prepared for the Next Life Wave Coming.
I AM evolving within Cosmic Violet Flame,
transmuting all karmic debt, before it can
act, manifest or longer be sustained.

In the Violet Flame, I AM empty of self, time and space.
I AM Home within my own Spiritual Freedom!

I now see every person, place, condition and thing
in life, as only levels of Energy, Vibration and
Consciousness …waiting to be set free.

Within this Violet Fire I AM …
transmuting all measure of my own karmic debt ...
all anger, fear, sadness and imbalance from the feelings,
all criticism, condemnation and judgment from the mind,
all distress, disease and aging from the physical / etheric body.

Empty of all physical imbalance and discord,
I become the Eternal Sun of Elemental Constancy.

Empty of all emotional imbalance and discord,
I become the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit.

Empty of all criticism, condemnation and judgment,
I become the Eternal Sun of God Illumination.

I AM empty, empty, EMPTY …thus returning
to the Point of Origin, as an Eternal Flame
and its Infinite Radiant Light!

I AM born again as a Sun of the Sun, as
only an Eternal Flame of Energy, Vibration
and Consciousness, emitting the Infinite Light of
Energy, Matter and Intelligence, in co-creating the world!




Dear Ones let us review the foundations of Building Divine Self and Building Divine Consciousness. We have opened into this opportunity over the past several Solar Year cycles. Each year has its Solar Year Theme and Thoughtform, becoming the focus and goal of that year’s Light Service. But like any opportunity, we have to make good use of it …the Prime Directive of this embodiment.

We steadily arise into Higher Frequency Reality within our True Identity. Therefore, let us now visualize the Twelve-fold Solar Spine. We begin with the three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness. Each of the three has an expanding, pulsating, rotating Maltese Cross of Divine Potential within and around it …on the thinking, feeling and physical levels of our embodied being. Together, these represent the Twelve Points of the Solar Spine. As each Maltese Cross expands, pulsates and spins (like the Earth rotates on her axis), they synchronize with each other, creating our unique Twelve-fold Sacred Geometry. Such Indivisible Flowing Wholeness along these Twelve Cardinal Points becomes our Ascended and Free Aura. And thus, we now realize we stand within our Solar Spine …rather than it abides within us! Pause and contemplate this new Reality!

Regarding the Lifeforce on Earth, this Twelve-fold Solar Spine is unique to Humanity. For example, when we think of the Angelic Kingdom, these magnificent Beings carry but one of Divine Qualities the Twelve Houses of the Sun. Angelic Hosts are extremely one pointed in their service to their Guardian Seraphim or Archangel. Angels serve to amplify a particular Divine Quality within a Dimension, Realm, or Sphere of existenceincluding daily life on Earth, for which they have been called to service with their Archangel.

On the other hand, Humanity was originally designed within the Divine Plan to House all Twelve Aspects of Deity  …as does the Sun and Central Sun. Hence our True Identity as a Sun of the Sun. The I AM Race is designed to carry within our Presence all Twelve Divine Qualities of Father / Mother God. And with this enlightenment, we may now expand our knowledge and experience of the Angels who serve us …expanding now from the Seven Ray Angels who assisted in building the Holy Christ Self, to the Angels of the Sun and Central Sun, who serve in Building the Solar Christ Self along the Twelve Aspects of Deity!

Now, Angels with their unique Quantum State Qualities attend each of the Twelve Cardinal Points, along our Solar Spine. In meditation let us become open and receptive to each of these Angels of Solar Consciousness invoked and sent forth for this specific service. And in return, we offer our deepest Gratitude and Adoration for their Service of Building embodied Solar Consciousness, within and through us. This is the expanded vision of the Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity always intended for Earth.

When standing within our Solar Spine, we feel the Solar Kundalini River of the Twelve Houses of the Sun …all the Twelve Aspects of Love, Wisdom and Power of the Sun and Central Sun …pouring to and through us, in the endless configurations along our spiralling, revolving Twelve Cardinal Points. These endless configurations allow for the experience of Higher Frequency Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Light. Such is the Divine Alchemy of these Powers intended for Humanity …as she steadily becomes the I AM Race …as Children and rightful Heirs of Father / Mother God.

Imagine for a moment that each of the Twelve Cardinal Points is like a planet orbiting its Sun. Four such ‘planets’ orbit the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure; four orbit the Eternal Sun of Holy Spirit; and four orbit the Eternal Sun of God Illumination. Yet each Cardinal Point also is affected by the Vibrational Fields of all Three Suns of embodied Solar Consciousness. Then you have  a small Galaxy of Three Suns, each with Orbiting planets as its own Solar System …with a Central Sun of our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …encompassing it all!  As above, so below! We truly become Universal I AM expressing herself on Earth!

Let us then visualize our personal Solar System of Twelve Planets circling Three Suns, with a Central Sun. Each of the Twelve Cardinal Points is under the influence of its own Sun, but also is influenced by the other two Suns. Each Sun of embodied Solar Consciousness has a Maltese Cross with its four arms …representing the Earth, Air, Fire and Water Signs of the Cosmic Zodiac …just as they function in the Corona of the Sun and Central Sun. This Divine Alignment offers many Forces of Electromagnetic Bonds, interacting between each of the three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness and their Twelve Cardinal Points …evolving countless permutations and combinations of Divine Alignment between the Qualities and Virtues of the Twelve Aspects of Deity, all in constant synchronicity …making each Solar Christ Self a unique Ascended and Free Being!

Yet each one is also a full representation of Universal I AM, which contains all such Divine Potential. Thus …we have our personal Twelve Cardinal Points in action with each other …plus each in action with their principal Gate /Sun of embodied Solar Consciousness …as well as all of them interacting with the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love of our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. Now imagine that beyond this, each of the Twelve Cardinal Points are also under the Divine Influence of the Next Life Wave Coming …the Feminine Ray, the Sixth and Seventh Root Races, the Seventh Ray Dispensation and the Great Cosmic Inbreath, each representing an arm of each Maltese Cross. In this Reality, we realize the immense expansiveness of Divine Alchemy between Divine Forces, that may function here and now through our True Identity, in this New Age.

I AM a Central Sun of Eternal Flame.
I AM its Infinite Radiant Light.

I AM Three Suns of embodied Solar Consciousness
each with their own Cosmic Maltese Cross,
each a Solar System of Cardinal Points,
orbiting, spiralling and spinning.

I AM these Twelve Cardinal Points, representing
The Twelve Houses of the Central Sun.

These Cardinal Points dance up and down my Solar Spine
in which I abide, representing the Sacred Geometry
of my becoming Ascended and Free!

The Divine Alchemy of this Solar Aura also captures
the Sacred Tone, Keynote, Color and Fragrance
of my unique Ascended and Free Being!

And, SO IT IS!

We now experience the Higher Perception of Indivisible Flowing Wholeness. Through becoming Ascended and Free, we have access to all of Universal I AM …all its Dimensions, Realms, and Spheres of Light. This experience steadily evolves with the practice of embodied Solar Consciousness …the Sacred State of Ascended and Free while embodied …the Great Divine Alchemy of our Twelve-fold Solar Spine! Each of the Twelve Cardinal Points is influenced by the other (eleven) Cardinal Points …generating the Multi-dimensional Alchemy of Ascended and Free.

This is part of the Divine Alignment of all Suns …the Divine Alchemy of the Twelve-fold Aspects of Deity unfolding within and around us …the Aura of our Solar Christ Self. This is the Mighty I AM Presence in action on Earth. Here, I AM Ascended and Free! Here I AM an ‘infant Universe’, unfolding her Innocent Presence within the endless expanse of Universal I AM …a Child of Father / Mother God.  Here I see, feel and deeply accept the full Spiritual Agency of my Solar Christ Presence. When I affirm ‘I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of my Eternal Flame’s Infinite Radiant Light’, I begin to understand that Every Sacred House of the Celestial Zodiac wishes to bless me with their gift to Humanity in her Ascension Process …towards her Divine Potential as the I AM Race flourishing on Earth!  And, I AM this Divine Instrument! And SO IT IS!

Expanding on this, we then visualize standing together, each in our own Twelve-fold Solar Spine …with a Transmission of our Flame (and its Twelve spiralling Temples of Energy) with the Flame and Twelve-fold Solar Spine of the entire Gathering of Ascending Humanity worldwide. Imagine this! Such global Unity / Synchronization at the level of Solar Consciousness is the Higher Potential of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity …just as the Spiritual Hierarchy / Great Light Brotherhood unite in the Transmission of the Flame between their Ascended Master Temples and Retreats of Sacred Fire.

This is Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness and is essential to our Victory of Spiritual Liberty for our sweet Earth. The Harmonization of our Solar Spines …together standing in the Light  …and attuning to each ones Powers of the Twelve Aspects of Deity …is like a global orchestra tuning to the same Keynote. The conductor is the Lord of the World, the Cosmic Christ, the World Teacher and the Great Divine Director …all acting in Unison. And the Gathering of Ascending Humanity are all Divine Instruments in this embodied global orchestra, eventually to include all Humanity.

Each of us play our Twelve-fold Divine Instrument perfectly …expressing the perfect Keynote of our Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. Then, the Symphony of Ascended and Free Earth begins to compose itself …and be heard across Universal I AM …as well as within the Heart of Humanity …further ensuring that our sweet Earth is fully included in the Great Cosmic Inbreath.

Let us rejoice in our Building of Divine Self. For now, on a personal note, we may experience this Indivisible Flowing Wholeness within our own physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles …giving opportunity for Health and Wellness, Divine Perception and  Reverence for all Life …to again be the Keynote of our daily life. And we give gratitude to the Elementals that  are designed for this creation of embodied Solar Consciousness. And, in support of their Divine Potential, we affirm:

In my experience of daily life, I AM as light as air,
I flow like water, I AM as flexible as fire,
and I AM as solid as earth.

Together, standing in the Light,
I stand with the Angels and Elemental Spirits,
I stand with the Gathering of Ascending Humanity,
I stand with the Divine Potential of all persons, places,
conditions and things, with everything Ascended and Free!

This is embodied Solar Consciousness!


ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE SILENT WATCHER OF EARTH, BELOVED LADY IMMACULATA …gathered with the DEVIC BUILDERS OF FORM …overseeing the Light Service of Building Divine Self, Building Divine Consciousness and Building an Eternal Life in the Light!

Beloved Keepers of the Flame and Builders of Divine Self …the Next Life Wave Coming is the work of the Elohim and their Devic Legions, who serve through the Elemental Kingdom in transposing 'wave-function' Divine Potential into its 'particle-function' manifestation. Contemplate this …in both its scientific and spiritual nature. Silent Watchers hold in our Being the Divine Design, the Immaculate Concept and Original Multi-dimensional Blueprints for this Co-creation. We invite the Gathering of Ascending Humanity to now gather with usin understanding and supporting this service …through becoming your Divine Instrument and True Identity as a Divine Director of Sacred Fire. It is at this Higher Frequency of embodied Solar Consciousness that we may ‘gather with you’.

In service to the Next Life Wave Coming, let us first notice this Forcefield is in fact ‘a wave’ …an electro-magnetic 'wave-function' Vibrational Field. We see the Gathering of Ascending Humanity only when operating in their 'wave-function' Divine Instrument …so that you may now offer the assistance the Elohim require in transposing Divinity into form …into manifestation! For we require the anchorage of this service in the realm needing the assistance!  This is Cosmic Law. And we further see that with each daily meditation given in Sacred Ceremony, this spiritual competency reinforced and expanded …to become this Divine Instrument we require within daily life. For this is your full Spiritual Agency. Now is the Cosmic Moment for Humanity to join the Elohim and the Builders of Form, in the promised manifestation of  the Divine Plan!

The Next Life Wave Coming is the electronic blueprint from Father / Mother God for the Transformational Events in Consciousness that mark the onset of the Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom. It is supported by the Feminine Ray rebalancing the Masculine Ray; the Sixth and Seventh Root Races embodying with all their innate Divine Potential …and the Great Cosmic Inbreath moving all creation closer to Source. This is truly a Cosmic Synchronicity, a Cosmic Moment that has the Spiritual Impetus of all Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings.

Becoming empty of self, time and space within the Eternal Moment of Now is where Indivisible Flowing Wholeness arises …and where Co-creation takes place. Let there be Light was the First Cause and thus the First Eternal Moment …the First Command and Prime Directive of Co-creation. Father / Mother God initiated the Holy Breath …the Inbreathe, Absorption, and Assimilation of Light, then its Expansion and Projection into Universal I AM. Divine Light is the Force Carrier, composed of Energy, Matter and Intelligence. It appears in 'wave-function' (the Eternal Flame) …as well as 'particle-function'. The Light  of Co-creation shifts between states of Matter …from quantum state to solid state …but also between ‘various states’ of Energy …and Intelligence.

We might then recognize these various states as persons, places, conditions and things within the Universe …and the bonds between. Light exists in both functions simultaneously (wave and particle) depending on the application of Consciousness …what I think and feel, I bring into form! Unless so directed otherwise, it remains in its 'wave-function'. This 'wave-function' is our Ascended and Free State, where we know I AM free in the Light! I abide in the Great Solar Quiet of the Eternal Flame’s Radiant Light!

In this service of Co-creating Divine Potential with these Mighty Builders of Form, let us remember that all the Light that has ever been or will ever be is present here and now! It simply shifts between ever changing states as persons, places, conditions and things (within self or around self) …or remains in its 'wave-function' as a pure ‘potential’ (within our Aura or around us in the planet’s Aura). And our goal is to accelerate all these states and potentials to their Divine Potential …in their Ascended and Free State!

In this mediation, we then understand that ‘all the Light that has ever been’ is disguised as the persons, places, conditions and things …of the past, present and future. The Eternal Moment of now is all the Light that ever was or will be currently manifesting as all things in daily life that we have come to set free. But it is all the same Light …the same building blocks of Energy, Matter and Intelligence …which Humanity has set into creation, through her Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds …the application of her consciousness …whether through ego or Divine Consciousness.

This is our affirmation …that the Gathering of Ascending Humanity is here as Builders of Divine Self, Builders of Divine Consciousness and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light …with the same Light that has always been and shall ever be …but in this Eternal Moment of now …where Indivisible Flowing Wholeness has always arisen!

EMBODIED SOLAR CONSCIOUSNESS in service to the Elohim.

Think of it …the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure is the Flame of Eternal Physical Life …a Source of Eternal Perfection Patterns intended to manifest physically. It represents that the physical realm is eternal …and physical life may reach its Divine Potential here, just as life does in every other Realm of Existence. The Sun of Holy Spirit represents the Eternal Flame of Divine Love embodied, that it too reaches Divine Potential in the physical realm, just as Love does in every other Realm of Existence. And the Sun of God Illumination is the Eternal Flame of Wisdom, which can also achieve its Divine Potential on Earth, as Wisdom does in every other Realm of Existence.  This is the Divine Plan of Father / Mother God in the Creation of Earth and Humanity …to see how far into the density of form could Perfection exist and thrive …as Ascended and Free Humanity, on her Ascended and Free Earth, in her Ascended and Free Orbit. This is Building an Eternal Life in the Light!

Again, the Eternal Sun of Elemental Constancy (Even Pressure) is a Forcefield that governs the interplay between the physical and etheric vehicles, between Quantum State matter and solid-state matter. Karmic debt enters this plane through the etheric vehicle and eventually results in distress, disease and aging physically. So, as Divine Directors of Sacred Fire, let us see, feel and deeply accept the Violet Flame active at our etheric level …where matter is still in its Quantum State and thus easier to transmute, transpose and transform into the Perfection Patterns of its Divine Potential. This includes every aspect of life, at the level of organs, molecules, cells, atoms and electrons.

As to our sweet Earth, the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure in the center of the planet holds all elemental forces in Divine Alignment on the physical / etheric (quantum state and solid-state) levels. And it desires to do the same now within Humanity …having become initiated within embodied Solar Consciousness.  And around this etheric /physical core of Mother Earth, evolves mental and emotional Realms …as it also does in Humanity through her three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness. This is all represented by the Eternal Sun of Elemental Constancy, the Sun of Holy Spirit and the Sun of God Illumination. Becoming a Sun of the Sun is a hologram of the Sun of Earth …which in turn is a hologram of the Focus of Father / Mother God in the Sun, and Central Sun.

Within our etheric / physical form and function, every organ system / meridian has its Vibrational Field.  Each molecule, cell, atom and electron has its own Vibrational Field. The Divine Director of these Vibrational Fields is the Body Elemental …a great Devic Being in her own right! She uses each of the three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness, as each have their function in governing these Vibratory Forcefields. The Eternal Sun of Elemental Constancy governs the Vibrational Fields within etheric /physical form and function. The Sun of Holy Spirit governs the Vibrational Fields of the emotional vehicle and our feelings. And the Sun of God Illumination governs the Vibrational Fields of our thoughts and mental life.

The atom is the building block of substance, matter and form. Its center or nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons.[1] The electrons orbit this nucleus, like planets orbit a Star. The atom is 99% ‘empty space’, but it is the bonds between these particles (electrons, protons and neutrons) that create the firmness of matter. These bonds are waves  / forcefields of Energy and Vibrational Fields and contain a Universal Intelligence that desires to attain Divine Alignment and Symmetry. It is at this level that our Light Service is given, as Directors of Sacred Fire.

This is the Atomic Accelerator Activity of  Violet Fire. It accelerates all Vibrational Fields …from the protons and neutrons at the core of atomic life, through to their formation of molecules and cells …and from there, the entire atomic makeup of our physical vehicles. This Atomic Acceleration allows for embodied Solar Consciousness. And with enough Momentum of Atomic Acceleration, a Divine Instrument is created, allowing for the flow of the electronic Mighty I AM Presence into daily life! And this is the Divine Plan for Humanity …as the I AM Race!


As I AM raised up, so is all life raised up within me, as well as
within the Earth …all through the three Gates of embodied
Solar Consciousness opening within me, and opening
for our sweet Earth and her entire Lifeforce!

For a moment, let us visualize Light Servers as ‘the hologram of our Ascended and Free Earth’ …ourselves as a globe. We begin at the center with the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure. Here we see a blue sphere governing all the elemental forces within our embodied nature. Around this Forcefield is the pink Sun of Holy Spirit, creating an aura of Celestial feelings, attuning ourselves and Humanity with the Higher Frequency nature of the Angels. And around this is a golden Sun of God Illumination, sustaining Higher Frequency Divine Perception. This becomes a Sun, within a Sun, within a Sun! It expresses the Three-fold Flame …the Flame of Immortality!

These three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness are themselves Higher Frequency Vibrational Fields, designed for full Spiritual Freedom within daily life. It is sometimes referred to as ‘Heaven on Earth’ …or ‘the Christ again walking the Earth’. And as we do this for ourselves, we do it for all Humanity and all Lifeforce. We see, feel and deeply accept this Law of Reciprocity …that if some within Humanity are raised up, then all Lifeforce is raised up with them. This is the great advantage of serving from within embodiment, and why it is so worthwhile to endure the hardships of daily life …so as to forward the Cause of Spiritual Freedom and its New Age of Spiritual Enlightenment.



ENERGY, VIBRATION AND CONSCIOUSNESS OF BELOVED SAINT GERMAIN …on serving the Seventh Ray Age of Spiritual Freedom.

Beloved Friends of Freedom; Ascended and Free Light Service has a specific purpose and opportunity …to present Humanity with the Divine Potential of her Spiritual Freedom.  But it helps the individual Light Server to understand the larger scope of what this Seventh Ray Activity involves. The scope begins at the level of the Great Central Sun …where a Cosmic Decree went forth, that all Lifeforce reach a certain level of Spiritual Freedom, so that the Great Cosmic Inbreath may take place in Harmony and Balance. I was presented the opportunity to attend this Ceremony at the Central Sun, accepting it on behalf of the Spiritual Hierarchy and of Humanity on Earth. For we knew that the Christian Dispensation would end, and the Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom would enter in its place. This transition is my reason for Being, as Chohan of the Seventh Ray!

I returned to the Great Light Brotherhood with this Decree of Spiritual Freedom. From there the Spiritual Hierarchy, and especially the Holy Triumvirate at Shamballa became involved …as they manage the karmic debt of our sweet Earth. They govern the Great Plan …of how Humanity may free herself by turning inward and seeking Truth from the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …rather than the illusion offered from turning outward and seeing only the ‘veil of maya’ (…and it’s false prophets).

And there remains much illusion. But the great advantage now is that the illusion itself is more ‘out of the shadows’, much more visible and ‘out front’ …even brazen.  This is to our advantage, in that the Forces of the Spiritual Hierarchy (including all Seven Rays of Elohim, Archangels and Chohans) may then be channeled specifically into the cause, core, effect, record and memory of such illusion. And here Humanity has her role to play, in assuming responsibility for our sweet Earth, and becoming the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love within daily life. The great hope is that regardless of how much imbalance / illusion remains, there is a much greater force of positive thoughts, feelings, words and deeds on Earth!

Hence, we have ‘a Gathering’ of the allies that shall bring us to our Victory …the Gathering of Ascending Humanity in her embodied Solar Consciousness …in Union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals …all operating within Earth’s atmosphere as was intended within the Divine Plan of our sweet Earth. Let us grasp in our minds and hearts how powerful this United Forcefield is! See, feel and deeply accept the power of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity, together, standing in the Light …in Union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals …all in Divine Alignment with the Spiritual Hierarchy and all the Cosmic forces focused now on our sweet Earth’. For this Vibrational Field is our Purpose!

This is our Victory …that there are massive Divine Forces to bring to bear at the level of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness that form the foundation of ‘reality’. This is why we encourage daily affirmations, as to the Gathering of Ascending Humanity, the Gathering of ‘all Ascending Energy, Vibration and Consciousness’ and the Gathering of ‘all the goodness in the world’.  This is our Cosmic Momentum, and we depend on this Vibrational Field to ‘Come Forth Now’ for our Victory!

Specifically, the Violet Fire offers Humanity the transmutation of karmic debt …followed by the Liberation of embodied Solar Consciousness. Children of the Seventh Ray have embodied to serve both these causes, by deeply accepting they are the Cause of this Victory …rather than depending on the service of others (on either side of the veil). The transmutation of karmic debt and the birth of embodied Solar Consciousness now brings an Atomic Acceleration that comes within the Violet Fire. This is designed to be a tangible experience, bringing a surcease of distress and disease that is the scourge of Humanity. Atomic Acceleration brings all persons, places, conditions and things to its Higher Vibrational Fields of sustained Peace, Health and Wellness …but also offers the Joy, Tranquility, and sustained Happiness of Celestial Experience. This then brings a tangible experience of the quiet Power of Sacred Fire …in knowing that indeed, I AM the Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love! And SO IT IS!

Present Light Work serves as a bridge …building the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom across the abyss of illusion …through the personal endeavor of Building Divine Self …and then together, doing so for Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom! We are building the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom! This Bridge allows for the free flow of Higher Frequency thoughts, feelings, words and deeds …so that Humanity may traverse easily between the events of daily life and the Celestial experiences of all that is Holy and Divine! For this is the Original Intent!

The Gathering of Ascending Humanity is the Gathering of the Next Life Wave Coming. This is a global Forcefield of all the allies of Spiritual Freedom acting in Unison …rather than any further control of daily life through ego imbalance and its allies. This global Forcefield is composed through each of the three Gates of Solar Consciousness anchoring the four foundations of the Next Life Wave Coming …the Feminine Ray, the Sixth and Seventh Root Races, the Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom and the Great Cosmic Inbreath. Each of these Four Foundations radiate into and through these three Gates. And as such, we Co-create is the Twelve Houses of the Sun, the Great Solar Spine anchored within and around embodied Solar Consciousness.

Beloved Ones, I AM here to empower you with the confidence in the Sacred Fire …that you might wield it in the same fashion as do Priests / Priestesses of the Order of Zadkiel …all from within your embodied Solar Consciousness. With this Solar Year, you now have in your aura a Violet Fire Angel of embodied Solar Consciousness. This is a gift of Beloved Lady Holy Amethyst, Spirit of this Solar Year. This Mighty Angel can wield the Sacred Fire with all the Powers of Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness, as well as having full authority in the transmutation of karmic debt …before it an act, manifest or longer be sustained. She is with you as a Teacher, Co-creator and Protector, so that you may now thrive in developing your unique embodied Solar Consciousness …each a fundamental aspect in the Co-creation of the Seventh Ray Dispensation!

Whatever imbalance your face from persons, places, conditions and things along the Ascension Process, use and use the Sacred Fire. We first become empty of these and thus able to focus only our Divine Instrument of Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light.  Then we can apply that same Flame of Immortality towards those very issues …without being ensnared in their imbalance …purely a Forcefield of Transmutation, Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness. We become the Violet Flame …beyond only invoking it …until each of us is a Temple of Violet Flame …and within that Temple, a Keeper of the Flame …its Hierarch, through our daily use of the Violet Flame in setting this sweet Earth FREE!

Beloved Friends of Freedom, stand with me within the Cosmic Violet Flame …for I AM always there, standing with you!



[1] All protons and neutrons in the nucleus have three quarks …as if a prototype of the three Gates of embodied Solar Consciousness. In each proton there are 2 ‘up’ quarks and one ‘down’ quark. We might envision the two ‘up quarks’ as the Sun of Holy Spirit and the Sun of God Illumination heading up into 'wave-function' Spirit …and the one ‘down quark’ as our Eternal Sun of Elemental Constancy that allows us to stay within the world of form in order to serve Humanity.