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June 2022


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.

I AM …Ascended and Free!

I AM inclusive of all life,

living Free in the Light.


From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,

In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,

Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love

uniting all Life in its Ascended State,

Now emerges into Humanity as the Theme and

Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:











(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Divine Alchemy

within the Flame of Immortality, infusing it into daily life!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Divine Alchemy

within the Flame of Immortality, intensifying it in daily life!


I AM the Gathering of Ascending Humanity.

I AM the Gathering of all the goodness in the world.

‘All goodness’ is Energy Arising, which is the Ascension!

I AM empty of self and the karma of self,

And I AM Flame …the Flame of Immortality!

I AM empty of the world and the karma of the world.

And I AM the global Presence of the Eternal Flame.

I AM empty of time and the karma of time …and

I AM Eternally Flame, an Eternal Global Presence

of the Universal Flame of Divine Alchemy!

I AM empty of space …and the karma of space …and

I AM the Infinite Light of Eternal Flame unfolding on Earth,

accelerating all Lifeforce to its Divine Potential made manifest.

I AM the Light of Divine Love, everywhere present, here and now!

I AM the Divine Alchemy of the Eternal Flame

Transforming Consciousness, personally and globally.

Transformational Events bring rebalance to the world!

And in preparation for this Visitation of Holy Spirit, I place

my physical, etheric, mental and emotional garments

within the Flame of Immortality and accelerate

them into their Quantum States.

I place the earth elementals within my garments into the

Flame of Immortality, accelerating them into their

Divine Potential of Quantum Matter.

I place the water elementals within my garments into the

Flame of Immortality, accelerating them into their

Divine Potential of Quantum Emotions.

I place the air elementals within my garments into the

Flame of Immortality, accelerating them into their

Divine Potential of Quantum Thoughts.

I place the fire elementals within my garments into the

Flame of Immortality, accelerating them into their

Divine Potential of Quantum Memories.

I stand within my Flame of Immortality as the

Solar Christ Self …expressing the physical,

etheric, mental and emotional Quantum

States of my Light Body!

I place self and the karma of self in the

Flame of Immortality and I resolve

it…into its Spiritual Freedom.

I place the world and the karma of the world in

the Flame of Immortality and I resolve

it …into its Spiritual Freedom.

I place all my thoughts, feelings, words and deeds

into the Flame of Immortality and I resolve

them …into their Spiritual Freedom.

I place all my Creative Faculties in the Flame of Immortality

and thus, I AM the Resurrection and the Life …of

Co-creating my own Spiritual Freedom!

I AM Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light!

I AM a Sun of the Sun, a Forcefield of all Twelve Houses

of the Sun …in action here and now! I invoke, focus, concentrate, expand and project all Twelve Houses of the Sun, fully energizing every thought, feeling, word and deed …until all that I AM is the

Harmony and Balance of the Twelve Houses of the Sun in their Oneness Consciousness …their Infinite Flowing Wholeness!

In this Solar Consciousness, the Twelve Houses of the Sun

pour through me as my unique Divine Alchemy

my Electronic Pattern, my Cosmic Signature,

known across Universal I AM!

I AM the Divine Alchemy of Twelve Houses of the Sun!

I AM living this Forcefield of Solar Consciousness in daily life!




Beloved Ones, this Cycle let us first honor ‘our Gathering’ …of Ascending Humanity …representing the Forcefield of all the goodness in the world. We honor this gathering …and its ‘larger Gathering’ …with the Royal Kingdoms Angels and Elementals, and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings. And we honor everyone within Humanity, especially those who serve in difficult circumstances …but all of them as ‘the right and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing, at the right and perfect time, in the right and perfect place, in the right and perfect way’! They are all part of ‘the Gathering’. Each one has a Higher Purpose, especially under the most grievous disturbances within Humanity. We honor everyone’s Service to the Light …known or unknown to themselves or others. But we know it, and honor it!  And SO IT IS!

Then, let us focus on the Sacred Science of Divine Alchemy. It begins with knowing that things we yet do not understand appear mysterious or even magic. A ‘video call’ across the world would have seemed like magic just last century, as if sitting in the same room but across an ocean …as did ‘putting a man on the moon’ seem like only science fiction.  But here we are. What science cannot yet explain, we liken to magic. Divine Alchemy is like any other alchemy or transformation process, whether in chemistry, physics or biology, where the mixing of two or more forces brings about a new and transformational manifestation.

In our Ascension Process we study the synchronicity of combining Sacred Fires. And since this is ‘of God’, it is referred to as Divine Alchemy. In ancient literature, alchemy may be spoken of as the ‘the turning of lead into gold’ (a reference to attaining perfection). But in its original pure intention, this is an allegory of ‘transforming base ego consciousness into Divine Consciousness’. And this is our service to a planet, following in the model of Beloved Sanat Kumara. And since the most profound Divine Alchemy …of all Twelve Houses of the Sun in alignment / synchronicity …only comes though Solar Consciousness …let us proceed along that line of meditation.

Seeing through the Eye of Divine Liberty, let us visualize standing before the Star of Sanat Kumara …such that all we can see is its blazing Golden White Light …where our only awareness is of its overwhelming Divine Love.  Here we breathe the Holy Breath of Divine Peace. Here we remember the profound Glory of the One Truth, that “God alone is Great and only unto the Source of all Greatness, does all Glory belong”[1]. Here we affirm: I AM fully assimilated into the Great Venus Love Star and its Divine Alchemy of Higher Frequency Energies, and Solar Consciousness. (Pause)

The Divine Alchemy of Quantum Oneness[2]  now comes to the fore in our contemplation. This Ascended and Free State is the natural Reality of Indivisible Flowing Wholeness within Solar Consciousness. Through its Cohesive Power of Divine Love, we find ourselves at one with the Great Love Star …one breath, one heartbeat, one consciousness of thought, feeling, word and deed …together, standing in the Light of Divine Love!  Then, we mirror this on Earth, transposing it into daily life. As the Gathering of Ascending Humanity, we affirm “I AM the Great Love Star’s reflection in the world” …amplified and expanded until Earth manifests her own Divine Potential …as Freedom’s Holy Star!

Beloved Sanat Kumara originally came to Earth to infuse the Flame of Immortality back into Humanity …so that she would not be removed from the Plan of Creation (because of the lack of Light and spiritual development) …but rather regain her Divine Potential as the Immortal I AM Race! After fostering the laggards from other systems, Humanity herself almost become planetary orphans, but was saved from this by the Love Flame of Venus …allowing her to continue to pursue her Divine Potential. And all efforts of the Spiritual Hierarchy since the coming of Sanat Kumara have gone into the Sacred Fires of Divine Alchemy …and raising the Earth into her Ascended and Free State.

Sacred Fire represents the Transformational Potential of all Seven Rays of planetary Christhood, as well as all Twelve Houses of the Sun. Sacred Fire has always been the ‘Flame upon the Altar’ …representing God’s Holy Energy in its Highest Frequency of manifestation. We are offered the opportunity to abide in its Holiness by consistently becoming our Flame of Immortality! This invites us to become one with the ancient lineage of Keepers of the Flame! In doing so, we may become a conduit for every other Flame of Immortality, anywhere in the Cosmos …who may turn their attention to our sweet Earth and then dispense their Blessings though our Flame of Immortality anchored here! And with each such Blessing, this further accelerates Earth’s inclusion in the Great Cosmic Inbreath. We Inbreathe, Absorb, Assimilate, Expand and Project those Celestial Sacred Fires into daily life, not only through our individual Eternal Flame embodied but as well through our global presence of the Eternal Flame …as the Gathering of Ascending Humanity.

And as to Spiritual progress, it is only through an anchored Flame of Immortality that the Twelve Houses of the Sun may find their place in Divine Character Building of Humanity …Building of Divine Self and Building of Divine Consciousness here on Earth.  Think of it …all the Forces of Good (God) throughout the Universe desire to integrate with the Forcefield of goodness within Humanity …to anchor the Twelve Houses of the Sun through the Flame of Immortality anchored on Earth!  We embodied to become the conduit of this, the channel for such Divinity to enter planetary Consciousness …to allow for the Resurrection and the Life of Divine Potential of all Lifeforce on Earth!  This is our Purpose!

Let us affirm: I AM the Divine Alchemy of the Eternal Flame creating Transformational Events in Consciousness. Change comes in many forms …through many initiatives, on many levels. The Flame of Immortality and its Radiant Light transforms all Energy, Matter and Intelligence it is invoked into …bringing an Elevated Consciousness of Spiritual Freedom (sometimes not obvious until the Transformation process has run its full course …think of the butterfly)! Thus, the Atomic Acceleration of the Elemental Kingdom may now transpire (with various effects) providing an opportunity for manifest Perfection Patterns within this dawning Age of Spiritual Freedom. As the Flame of Immortality intensifies within all the goodness in the world, the impact of this on the Elemental Kingdom will be to build the necessary planetary foundation for manifesting the Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom!

The Divine Alchemy of Immortality also accelerates our individual Creative Faculties …until only the Perfection Patterns of Divine Love may stream through us! This is part of our Ascension Process. This raises up the individual and raises up all life simultaneously! This is the Grace of God through the Flame of Immortality! All Perfection Patterns anchored through our Eternal Flame adds to all the goodness in the world …raising up all life with it! The Divine Love Consciousness on Venus is unconditional, universal and all inclusive! It is the cohesive, bonding, ‘tethering together’ nature of desiring all the goodness in the world for all life …that ‘as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me’ …in whatever area of life that is …from enough clean air and water, to abundance of safety, food and good health, to the same standards of education, justice and inclusion …with all life enjoying the forward advances of every aspect of endeavor.

This is the societal level of the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, as a Forcefield of ‘all goodness for all life’.  This is the intended outcome of the Star of Sanat Kumara. It has already brought this Reality to Venus, our sister Planet. As we contemplate such Divine Love, we feel its altruism, self-sacrifice and unconditional regard for every aspect of life …Reverence for all Life. It includes Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness towards oneself and others. It reveals the Benevolence and Absolution of moments when we, or others, were ‘less than the Light’. Self-compassion is using the Violet Fire on oneself, until one is free of imbalance …empty of self and the karma of self …as if born again free of karma …Free in the Light!

As well, Divine Love has a scientific basis, to do with the Forces of Creation of this Universe. In the beginning Father / Mother God created the ‘Heavens and Earth’. It began with the Great Cosmic Outbreath from their Eternal Flame …a birth of a Multi-dimensional Universe. The Harmony and Balance of this Creation Activity is such that Father God (Masculine Ray) would expand Perfection Patterns into manifestation only as far as Mother God (Feminine Ray) could hold them all in the Cohesive Power of Divine Love …to maintain the Infinite Flowing Wholeness the Oneness Consciousness of all that was to be created and sent forth into multi-dimensional manifestation.  In science this might be called the big bang of expansion, and then gravity, that which hold the planets in orbit around their Star, and the moons in orbit around their planets.

But gravity is only a narrow physical aspect of this Infinite Flowing Wholeness. For Divine Love binds and holds us along the physical, etheric, mental and emotional spectrums of Oneness Consciousness …and, along even Higher Multi-dimensional Frequencies. These are the Bonds of Love that will again be soon discovered by Humanity (spiritually and scientifically) …that Light Servers already know in meditations of True Identity within Solar Consciousness. This Cohesive Power of Divine Love will now overcome the forces of separation and exclusion and allow for uniting all life in her next Higher Potential.

Divine Love and its Infinite Flowing Wholeness aligns us with the Laws of Reciprocity …that as I AM raised up, all things are raised up with me. This represents together, standing in the Light! This is the Keynote of our Ascended and Free Light Service.  Our Creative Faculties now are Ascending to this point of Higher Frequency …where Love and Love alone pour through! And if this is so for us, then it becomes so for all life …that everyone is aligned with the raising up of the whole. This is the Divine Potential of Light Service!

Then, all thoughts, feelings, words and deeds from the Creative Faculties of all involved, are aimed at this Oneness Consciousness of inclusion, circularity, harmony and balance for all Life …ever expanding the Forcefield of all the goodness in the world! We carry this Immaculate Concept along our Solar Spine of Chakra Suns …as the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves …of all life raised up along my Ascending Kundalini River, within my own Ascension.


The grand purpose of life on Earth was to have the Flame of Immortality find anchorage within matter. The Sacred Fire of Immortality expresses naturally within Spirit. But at the origins of this Solar System, Beloved Helios and Vesta desired to bring Immortality into full Elemental expression! This is but one aspect of Divine Alchemy, transforming the densest elemental matter into the Immortality of its Highest Potential. This Divine Plan was further heightened by having evolving Root Races embody within dense matter and create their Ascension from that point …again proving the Divine Alchemy of having the Consciousness of Immortality arise from within elemental substance. This is a unique Divine Plan in all the Cosmos!

Evolution was thus to evolve from matter into Spirit, and from base elemental consciousness to Ascended and Free Consciousness …all along the same journey. It was designed so that when matter is rhythmically and ceremoniously placed within the Eternal Flame, it Ascends! The earth element evolves into its Quantum State and inbreathes the Love of Holy Spirit. The Holy Breath directs the earth element into its Immortal State of Quantum Matter. The water element finds its Quantum State and inbreathes the Love of Holy Spirit …the Holy Breath directs it into its Immortal State of Quantum Water. The air element finds its Quantum State and inbreathes the Love of Holy Spirit. The Holy Breath directs it into its Immortal State of Quantum Air. And the fire element finds its Quantum State and inbreathes the Love of Holy Spirit. The Holy Breath directs it into its Immortal State as Sacred Fire …the Transformative Nature of achieving Divine Potential.

These are the Perfection Patterns that ‘arise within form’ (the electron in its ‘particle-function’) when Humanity masters Energy, Vibration and Consciousness, becoming Divine Directors of Sacred Fire. Biological life on Earth is seen as carbon based. Divine Life is Love based …where the cell, atom and electron all function at the Higher Frequency of their Divine Potential, sustained there by the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, from within the Flame of Immortality. Such is our Divine Instrument …and achieving it is our Divine Right …as Children of Father / Mother God!

Through the Great Cycles of Cosmic Days and Cosmic Nights, the Flame of Immortality rhythmically produces a Clarion Call …for all Eternal Flames to Gather in Oneness Consciousnessfor all Suns to align for the purpose of fulfilling some aspect of the Divine Plan.  When Beloved Sanat Kumara first came to Earth to maintain enough Light to sustain her continued presence in the Solar System, he put out this Clarion Call …which then began the origins of the Spiritual Hierarchy here on Earth. At each new Spiritual Dispensation for Humanity, the presiding Chohan of that Ray puts out a Clarion Call from their Flame of Immortality, for others to join the Cause …in initiating, building and then sustaining that ‘New Age’.  This occurred with every Golden Age in the history of Earth …as well as with the Christian Dispensation with Beloved Jesus …and now with Beloved Saint Germain and his Seventh Ray Age of Spiritual Freedom.

But with the immense project of ‘redeeming a fallen race’ and preparing her for the Great Cosmic Inbreath, this present Clarion Call comes not only from the Seventh Ray Chohan, but from the return of the Great Love Star, resounding with the original Clarion Call of Beloved Sanat Kumara …now expanded by the entire Spiritual Hierarchy! This combined Forcefield is calling forth Humanity to align with her Divine Potential.  Then expanding on this, our Forcefield of ‘all the goodness in the world’ is also a manifestation of this Clarion Call …a petition from the Flame of Immortality within Humanity to the outer consciousness of Humanity …to join this First Cause of Spiritual Freedom! Everyone will hear this ‘call’ in their own unique way and respond accordingly!

And then imagine that the entire Next Life Wave Coming adds to this Clarion Call …with the Feminine Ray Ascendency within daily life, the Sixth and Seventh Root Races Energies embodied throughout the world …and the Forces of the Great Cosmic Inbreath magnetizing Humanity’s Consciousness ever-upward towards Highest Source.  Then every gesture of kindness, goodness and compassion is magnified …adding to the New Age of Spiritual Freedom …day in and day out, until we reach 51% of Humanity’s Energy, Vibration and Consciousness Ascending! Then …Victory is ours!



Beloved Ones, I AM the embodiment of First Cause into Humanity, in its ongoing cycle through the Root Races, to bring ever greater Glory of the Divine Plan of our sweet Earth. I now speak as the Oneness Consciousness of God / Goddess Meru and the Temple of God Illumination (Manus of the Sixth Root Race), as well as Lord Saithru and Lady Mercedes, representing the Office of Great Divine Director (Manus of the Seventh Root Race). Affirm with me:

I AM the Gathering of Ascending Humanity,

standing in the blazing Light of the Meru Focus,

in the spiralling Twelve Rays of the Great Solar Disc!

I AM the Sun of the Sun within all Humanity …the Holy

Christ Self graduating into the Solar Christ Self, now in its

Indivisible Flowing Wholeness within its Flame of Immortality!

Dear Ones, here in our Focus we train the New Root Races before their entrance into birth. The core of this is: I AM Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light …a Sun of the Sun …and therefore all the Twelve Houses of the Sun … in action here and now! We invoke, focus, concentrate, expand and project all Twelve Houses of the Sun …to fully energize and animate every thought, feeling, word and deed …until all that I AM is the Harmony and Balance of the Twelve Houses of the Sun, and their Infinite Flowing Wholeness through me. Our Root Races embody as this Truth!  Then they seek to align with this Truth in all areas of endeavor in daily life.

In our Retreat, the Sixth and Seventh Root Races stand within the Great Solar Disc. Here we practice becoming the One; the Three; the Seven; the Twelve; and again, the ONE!  In this True Identity, the Twelve Houses of the Sun expressing the Divine Alchemy of the Grand Triangles …of Three Fire Signs, the Three Air Signs, the Three Water Signs and the Three Earth Signs.  This Sacred Geometry brings Divine Alignment of all Twelve Houses of the Sun into Oneness Consciousness …through our Creative Faculties of thought, feeling, word and deed. This Ascension Process is the same when we stand within other Solar Forcefields …in the Eye of Divine Liberty, or within the Love Star of Venus …learning to embody Solar Consciousness within daily life.

Visualize standing with God / Goddess Meru within the Great Solar Disc. Together we affirm …”My True Identity in embodiment is that I AM One Ray of the Mighty I AM Presence anchored into the world of form; which then expresses as the Three-fold Flame of Immortality; then expresses the Seven Chakra Suns along my Solar Spine; then the Twelve Houses of the Sun, streaming into my Being from the Twelve points around the Great Solar Disc …and then again knowing the One …Universal I AM! This is my True Identity as I stand within the Great Solar Disc.

It is said by the Great Light Brotherhood that when the Great Love Star of Venus arises from the Orbit of Venus and aims it Cohesive Power of Divine Love at our sweet Earth, that such a Higher Frequency brings about a disturbance in Humanity and in the Elemental Kingdom.  This you already witness. But be of good Faith, for this precedes the discovery of a New Harmony and Balance within both.  Thus, in our Light Service we see this potential of a New Vision of Inner Peace for Humanity and a New Balance within Nature. The journey between disturbance and Peace may yet have more Transformational Events in Consciousness, that although difficult, do point the direction for Humanity and her planetary redemption.

The Great Love Star of Sanat Kumara awakens the Crystal Vision of Humanity …to see karmic patterns (in whatever conceptual terms they might grasp this), and then choose the Light moving towards Harmony and Balance, as Earth transitions into Higher Frequency Orbit. The Gathering of Ascending Humanity, in alignment with the New Root Races, affirms that: I AM here in my capacity of Solar Consciousness to offer Humanity the Harmony and Balance of the Twelve Houses of the Sun …so that each one finds their unique way into their own Solar Consciousness …each one prepared for the Great Cosmic Inbreath. And SO IT IS!

In our Solar Consciousness, we prepare all other life through ascending every level of Lifeforce along our Solar Spine …within the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves.  In our Retreat, this is placing all Lifeforce within the Great Solar Disc! Here we pour into all Earth’s Lifeforce the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of the Twelve Houses of the Sun.  This accelerates the planetary Ascension Process, from what would have taken many centuries, into the here and now …free of time and space constraints! For that is the Reality of Solar Consciousness …everything Divine, here and now!

Training with the Divine Alchemy of Sacred Fire is highlighted within the Temples of the Sixth and Seventh Root Races. The Cosmic Violet Fire will transmute all karmic debt we owe to life …as well as all karmic debt owed to us by any other part of life …allowing us to walk the Earth free of karma to walk free in the Light, in our Ascended Master Presence! The New Root Races already embody this Divine Alchemy! Let us stand together with Sixth and Seventh Root Races representing the entire Lifeforce of Earth, in the Sacred Fires of the Great Solar Disc in the Meru Temple …and affirm:


I AM the Next Life Wave Coming

Of Divine Healing, Health and Wellness,

of Divine Harmony, Balance and Symmetry,

of Divine Mercy, Compassion and Forgiveness,

of Divine Justice, Inclusion and Oneness Consciousness.

I AM the Resurrection and the Ascension of the Divine Plan!

I AM empty of self and the karma of self, and

I AM the Sacred Fires of Divine Alchemy, bringing

the Transfiguration, Resurrection and the Ascension of self.

I AM empty of the world and the karma of the world,

and I AM the Sacred Fires of Divine Alchemy, bringing the Transfiguration, Resurrection and the Ascension of the world.

I AM the Divine Alchemy of the Flame of Immortality!

I AM the Divine Alchemy of the Seven Solar Chakra Suns.

I AM the Divine Alchemy of the Twelve Houses of the Sun!

I AM the Divine Alchemy of all Infinite Flowing Wholeness!

In this visualization, we see our Seven Suns (along our Solar Spine) orbit their Central Sun (our Flame of Immortality) …allowing each one to represent the Solar System within the Great Cosmic Inbreath. Here, all Earth’s Lifeforce is Ascending within me! For truly, as I AM raised up, so is all life raised up with me …from cells, atoms and electrons, through to Planets and Suns …all Ascending with me! In this Solar Consciousness, the Twelve Houses of the Sun pour through this entire Solar Disc Activity, activating all life towards achieving Solar Consciousness with me! Such Light Service with the New Root Race Children of Light takes place continuously in our Temples. And the Gathering of Ascending Humanity is invited to join us daily, in meditation or in sleep (through invoking projected consciousness).

From this point we then expand this visualization! We become the Great Solar Disc, feeling it spiraling within and through us. We then Invite, Invoke, Focus and Concentrate the Cosmic Violet Fire to be the Great Cosmic Inbreath in action through us …raising up all levels of Lifeforce on our sweet Earth into their next Divine Potential.  On behalf of Humanity, we feel the Great Cosmic Inbreath from the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun flowing through our Divine Instrument, in a very real and practical fashion, reaching all life on Earth …Healing and Resurrecting the world into its Spiritual Freedom …in whichever way that manifests, at every level of Lifeforce.

Here we take all life into the Great Cosmic Inbreath, blazing the Cosmic Violet Fire through: all sub-atomic life; all simple cellular plant and animal life; all complex and developed plant and animal life; all mass consciousness of Humanity in her daily life; all ‘accelerating evolving awareness’ of Humanity; all Wisdom Consciousness of Humanity …and all Ascended and Free Humanity! We see, feel and deeply accept the Cosmic Violet Fire as the avenue through which the Great Cosmic Inbreath now includes all life on Earth in the Ascension of this Solar System! And, together, standing in the Light of all the Legions of the Seventh Ray …standing in the Great Solar Disc of the Meru focus, we affirm:

Standing in my own Flame of Immortality and with the

full God Authority of Father / Mother God, and in

the full Victory of the Cosmic Violet Fire

as the embodied Order of Zadkiel:

As I AM raised up, so is all

sub-atomic life raised up with me!

As I AM raised up, so is all simple cellular plant

and animal life raised up with me!

As I AM raised up, so is all complex plant

and animal life raised up with me!

As I AM raised up, so is the mass human

consciousness raised up with me!

As I AM raised up, so is all advancing human

consciousness raised up with me!

As I AM raised up, so is all enlightened

human consciousness raised up with me!

As I AM raised up into Ascended and Free Consciousness,

so is all life raised up with me into their Divine Potential!

I AM the Unity of all self, time and space …into the

Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light

of the Mighty I AM Presence …into its

Indivisible Flowing Wholeness!

And now I see that as I carry the world along my Solar Spine,

all life is arising with me into Higher Frequency States

of Health, Abundance and Happiness!

This is the Love, Wisdom and Power

of the Cosmic Violet Fire!


Reverence for all Life radiates from the Great Solar Disc. We honor the Elemental Kingdom, who build the ‘vehicles of form’ for Humanity. We honor the great animal Kingdom; the great insect Kingdom; the great plant Kingdom; the Kingdom of single cell creatures; and the Kingdom of all sub-atomic life expressing in ‘particle-function’ form.  The entire Elemental Kingdom is connected in Oneness Consciousness through the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure, …the Flame of Immortality at the center of the physical planet, the Heart Flame of our sweet Earth. And standing within the Great Solar Disc within our Meru Focus, we have all Suns in Divine Alignment, where the Flame of Immortality of Humanity is one with the Flame of Immortality of the Elemental Kingdom and is one with the Flame of Immortality within the Center of Earth, the Sun and Central Sun.

From our Meru Focus, we see the Star of Sanat Kumara arising in the atmosphere of Earth, arising in the Consciousness of Humanity …as Humanity herself arises into her Solar Consciousness. Together, we see and experience all of this! This is our Crystal Vision! We see the disturbance within Humanity and within the Elemental Kingdom …the breaking down of crystalized patterns of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds of the old age. But we also see with Crystal Vision how this leads to a New Age of Harmony and Balance …ushering in the entrance of Higher Frequency concepts of inclusion, unity in diversity and Spiritual Freedom for all.  Endings and New Beginnings!


[1] Taken from a discourse of Beloved Lord Lanto, at the Royal Teton Retreat, after the visitation to the Great Light Brotherhood by the Beloved Kumaras from Venus.

[2] referred to in science as quantum entanglement …not yet fully understood by science …and has been nicknamed by science as ‘spooky action’ or ‘magic’.