I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.
From within this Infinite Circle of Light:
The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:
(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)
I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Flame of the
Resurrection ...ARISING then into the Flame of Immortality.
I AM Expanding and Projecting the Flame of the
Resurrection ...ARISING then into the Flame of Immortality.
I AM an Eternal Flame.
I AM its Energy, Vibration and Consciousness.
I AM its Infinite Radiant Light, of Energy, Matter and Intelligence.
Through this Divine Instrument, I AM raising up all life
into the Light of its own Divine Potential.
This is the Miracle Working Presence!
This is ...I AM that I AM!
This is ...what I AM!
I AM that I AM!
I AM open and receptive to the Spheres of Light
within my own Causal Body, containing the
Transformational Cosmic Consciousness
intended for my Lifestream, required
for my perfect Light Service to the
New Age of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM open and receptive to the Causal Body of Ascended
and Free Earth; as well as the Sun, Helios and Vesta;
the Central Sun, Alpha and Omega ...and the
Great Central Sun, Elohae and Eloha!
I AM open and receptive to all Perfection Patterns from
Higher Dimensions, Realms and Spheres of Light,
now transposed into daily life through the
Gathering of Ascending Humanity.
I AM open and receptive to the fulness of
Ascended and Free Consciousness!
I AM an Eternal Flame!
I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!
And, I walk FREE in that LIGHT!
I AM the Resurrection and the Life, of living the
Mysteries of the Divine within my Flame of Immortality.
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of living the
Mysteries of the Divine within the Elemental Kingdom.
I AM the Resurrection and the Life of living the
Mysteries of the Divine within the Angelic Kingdom.
I AM Flame of the Resurrection and the Life
of the full Restoration of our sweet Earth
the Mysteries of Life within her Flame of Immortality!
I AM empty of self and the karma of self.
I AM empty of the world and the karma of the world.
I present myself before the Altar of Father / Mother God,
as an individual ...and as a global ...Flame of Immortality!
I AM empty of time and the karma of space, and I present myself before the Altar of Father / Mother God as an Eternal Flame
whose Infinite Radiant Light fills all time and space, as
the Oneness Consciousness of Universal I AM.
I AM the Transfiguration, Resurrection and the Ascension
of myself ...of my own I AM Presence on Earth.
I AM the Transfiguration, Resurrection and the Ascension
of Humanity ...and her Presence as the I AM Race.
I AM the Transfiguration, Resurrection and the Ascension
of Earth ...and her Presence as Freedom's Holy Star.
Beloved Ones, let us begin all Light Service this Solar Year within Lord Michael's Sword of Cosmic Blue Lightning, wrapped in that Cloak of Invisibility and Invincibility, surrounded by Legions of Cosmic Seraphim in Victory Formation. And from this Ascended and Free State of Power, Protection and Invincibility to any forces less than the Light, we move forward in the Ascension Currents within the Flame of Immortality and the Infinite Perfection Patterns of its Radiant Light. Here I AM the Cosmic Christ in action. From this position of full Power and Authority do we offer our Solar Year Light Service. And SO IT IS![1]
[1] We also continue to encourage the gentle reader to read the Journal out loud (even silently to yourself) if you are reading it as a podcast to the global Consciousness of Humanity. When done in our True Identity, the spoken word "shakes the ethers" with the Vibrations of the Voice of the Great I AM! Thus we broadcast our Ascended and Free Energy, Vibration and Consciousness throughout the inner life of all Humanity ...and reach the greatest number, having the greatest impact on thoughts, feelings, words and deeds in that fashion. This inner life is the fabric upon which we scribe our Ascension Concepts. We are (I AM!) building the inner foundation for Spiritual Freedom!
Then let us focus on Endings and New Beginnings. The coming of the Star of Sanat Kumara ...the return of the Great Love Star ...marks such a point in history. This 'coming' signifies that the Forcefield of Light Service done by anonymous Light Servers over generations, now simply blends into the Forcefield of 'all the goodness in the world'. It amplifies and expands this global Forcefield of Goodness, in which every part of life may take an active role, as well as an essential step forward towards its own Divine Potential. For this fulfils the necessary criteria of accelerating our sweet Earth into her own Divine Potential the Star of Spiritual Freedom. As a planet, Earth is drawn into this Sacred Solar Consciousness by the Great Love Star, now seen directly before us in all its majesty, within the Eye of Divine Liberty.
This Golden Star spins in its Orbit of Divine Love directly in alignment with our sweet Earth ...seen by Humanity's 'inner vision', spiralling in its Love Orbit directly in her line of vision. The Earth now begins to steadily transfigure mirror this manifest Love Frequency, steadily coming into Oneness Consciousness with it. This subtle but constant Transformation in Consciousness arises from unseen, anonymous Light Service, as we lay the foundation for a New Spiritual Future for Humanity. Free of restraints of time, we anchor this future into the present, here and now. Such Light Service has always had this interesting correlation with time. Within time, our Vision of Spiritual Freedom is bringing the future into the present, as if we are 'time travellers' from centuries beyond, where the New Age of Spiritual Freedom is firmly established.
Yet 'outside of time', everything is already here and now ...past, present and future, all here and now. Empty of self, time and space, we may live Ascended and Free, even amongst the imbalance currently evident. But there is also so much goodness in the world that does not gain attention ...but that we silently recognize by its ever-expanding Forcefield of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. As we detach from the 'great noise' emanating from all the fringes of the outer world, we see then the global Forcefield of Goodness directly at its center ...and how it is now part of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity ...and ever Ascending with all levels of life!
Everyone within Humanity has some good and positive thoughts, feelings, words and deeds, from time to time. Therefore, we may claim every person embodied as part of the Forcefield of 'all the goodness in the world'. Some contribute more than others yet there remains an 'all-inclusiveness' about this Forcefield ...and thus about the Gathering of Ascending Humanity. There are countless daily events of goodness that far out-balance the less frequent, but very noticeable, imbalanced events.
But this is what the lower forces hope for ...that our attention (and that of Humanity in general) gives its power to the negative, trying desperately to somehow prevent the destiny of our sweet Earth Ascending into its Star of Spiritual Freedom. Such lower forces will not succeed ...but they persist in trying! On the other hand, such persistence does succeed in bringing that which needs purification to the surface ...thus presenting more opportunity for it to be set free ...through the Power of Sacred Fire. Ego is undoing itself! And this is our detachment from imbalance, in our daily Light Service as Directors of Sacred Fire. This is our Divine Purpose observe and to act know, to dare, to do ...and to be silent!
Dear Friends of Freedom, let us remember one of the fundamentals of Cosmic Law ...that Consciousness dictates reality and not vice versa. Consciousness creates technology ...and not vice versa! The glorious future of Humanity is in her development of Consciousness ...and raising it into Solar Christ Consciousness! The Knowledge and Truth of this is firmly entrenched in our Causal Body. These Divine Energies stretch across our entire Lifestream ...from our embodied elemental vehicles, through to our Electronic I AM Presence (the Twin Rays) and our White Fire Being (the Twin Rays united in Oneness Consciousness). As well, our Causal Body stretches across the Solar System of Helios and Vesta, the Galaxy of Alpha and Omega and throughout Universal I AM. This is our Cosmic Presence! This is what we offer the world!
The Causal Body is the supremacy of Consciousness ...engrained as our permanent Aura, as a Cosmic Being of Great Light! It is our signature across the Universe ...a Cosmic Momentum ...a Cosmic Forcefield! And we may anchor this momentous Forcefield into daily life. The Divine Plan calls for this anchorage directly through our Creative Faculties of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds into the world of form. This is our grand opportunity available nowhere else in the Solar System. It is also our grand responsibility in making our own Ascension in unity with that of the world ...having made these vows before garnering the privilege of this embodiment ...vows given before the august Karmic Board.
It has been said: "The Mystery of Life is not so much to be understood ...the Mystery of Life is to be lived". Our entire Momentum of having lived the Mysteries of the Eternal Flame on many Dimensions is held within our Causal Body. And this personal Spiritual Forcefield yearns to be expressed on Earth. This yearning comes from the Earth being the only delay in the Great Cosmic Inbreath. And like the Spiritual Hierarchy a branch of the Spiritual Hierarchy ...we have come to remedy this. And here we remember the words of Beloved Saint Germain: "Take time to be Holy!" Daily life can seem very busy, even that part dedicated to Light Service. But the essence of our service is in becoming our True Identity and its Divine Instrument ...becoming the Eternal Flame!
We have been shown the Way by many of our Teachers. When Beloved Mother Mary completed her part of establishing the Christian Age, she went to a simple life of tending a garden in Ephesus and focusing on her Ascension ...focused on living the Mystery of Life ...which her dear son had manifest for them all. All the Saints of all the Spiritual Paths have done the same. And for some in Ascended and Free Light Service, it is now the opportunity to focus on this part of the journey ...where daily life slips into the background and living the Mystery of Life slides into the foreground. Opportunity for such a shift will present itself ...but we also build such conditions into our Ceremonies of living daily life ...Building Divine Consciousness, Building Divine Self and Building an Eternal Life in the Light.
Our 'connectome' as the Gathering of Ascending Humanity is seen as Eternal Flame connected to Eternal Flame! It manifests an ever-expanding Transmission of the Flame Ceremony. This Sacred Multi-Dimensional Geometry includes every beating Flame of Immortality within an embodied harmonious soul. Thus, we may see, feel and deeply accept that in any manifesting imbalance, there is such a Soul, such a Flame of Immortality, who embodied for this specific service at this specific time, in that specific local (known or unknown to them)! And here our global Light Service is anchored in full force! Here we see, feel and deeply accept our Holy Communion as 'Eternal Flame to Eternal Flame' ...given within the Temple of all the goodness of the world! Thus the truth of the affirmation: One with God is a majority!
We affirm: I AM empty of self and the karma of self ...empty of the world and the karma of the world ...and I AM Eternal Flame. And I place the karma of self and of the world into the Eternal Flame and I AM FREE ...Free as an individual, Free as a Race and Free as a Planet! I AM the Eternal Flame, radiating its Infinite Light that continually accelerates the New Age of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Flame of Unity!
I AM Expanding and Projecting the Flame of Unity,
of Humanity united with Angels and Elementals
and, of all time and space synchronized
with the Eternal Moment of Now!
I AM a global Presence of the Flame of Unity
unifying all the goodness of the world!
The Flame of Unity represents the Cosmic Christ.
I AM the Solar Christ Self, the Cosmic Christ on Earth!
I AM the Flame of Unity opening this New Age!
Beloved Cells in the Body of the Cosmic Christ: My Service to the Seventh Ray Dispensation is in the Unity of all levels of life into Oneness Consciousness. This is in service to the Cosmic Christ. This includes finding unity of persons, places, conditions and things within daily life, especially in uniting all the goodness of the world into a living, tangible Forcefield. Such service is achieved through the unity of time and space. The Unity of time brings all life into their own Eternal Moment of True Identity. The Unity of space ensures that such Reality is here, there and everywhere present. This resolves the karma of time and space well as establishing the Unity of Angels, Elementals and Humanity ...a foundation necessary for the New Age of Spiritual Freedom. It ends the illusion of separation between individuals and between Kingdoms ...and ends the illusion that Divine Life only belongs 'somewhere else', in some 'other time' or, only for 'some individuals'. Let us now permanently resolve this illusion ...for all Humanity!
Let us use our Crystal Vision to see the Unity of our own True Identity ...our full Divine Instrument. See, feel and deeply accept the Solar Christ Self as a Light Body within our Elemental vehicle. Feel the Unity with that Light Body until there is no separation and the two (spirit and matter) become One. This allows the Mighty I AM Presence in the Electronic Realms to pour through us a magnificent Stream of Light and Divine Consciousness. See and feel the Mighty I AM Presence within and all around us, empty of time and space ...and knowing ourselves only as that River of Cosmic Consciousness, desiring to express itself and all its Perfection Patterns, into daily life through us. Then see, feel and deeply accept the Seven Rays as the Spheres of Light, Flame and Color within our Causal Body. This is a Divine replica of the Seven Spheres around Ascended and Free Earth, as well as around Father / Mother God in the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun.
And in the specific 'Seventh Ray Sphere of Light' ...the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire ...abides our White Fire Being, that Highest Aspect of our Divine Potential projected into this Seventh Sphere ...who otherwise abides in the Sun and Central Sun. This Cosmic Being is also us! And this is our opportunity to experience all our Divine Self, while in embodiment. This 'Unity with the Most High' then becomes Cosmic Consciousness embodied in service to Humanity, as well as a necessary aspect of our own Ascension. Let us see our own Seventh Ray Causal Body Sphere as the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire ...standing within this Forcefield as a Priest/Priestess in the Order of Zadkiel. Our own White Fire Being may then express its full glory through this Unity with our own Seventh Ray Sphere, for here it dwells as the 'Presence of the Most-High'.
Then, let us stand together in the Seventh Ray Spheres of the Causal Body of Ascended and Free Earth, in that Mystic Ring of Violet Fire around the Star of Spiritual Freedom. Let us stand here together as the collective Presence of our White Fire Beings! Then imagine standing together as the White Fire Beings in the Seventh Sphere of the Sun and Central Sun ...all of which is the natural Home of the White Fire Being. This magnificent totality of our Divine Instrument (every other aspect of our Divinity drawn into its Highest Oneness) has simply agreed to express itself for this Cosmic Moment in the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire related to Earth. This Highest Presence expresses individually in the Causal Body of the Light Server, and in the Causal Body of Ascended and Free Earth ...magnetizing Humanity into her Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom. This is the Forcefield of Unity I now serve!
Let us visualize! Become empty of self (of all persons, places, conditions and things) ...and one with the Eternal Flame Unity with our total Divine Instrument. In this Spiritual Freedom, affirm:
In this way, I AM the Unity of my True Identity, expressed within daily life on Earth, through to the Realms of Light in the Central Sun. When I affirmed in my Ministry, "It is the Father within that doeth the works," I was living in this Unity! And in this same State of Unity, I also predicted that "everything I have done, so shall ye also do ...and greater things." And here we are doing so! We collectively dwell in the Realms of Light of our own Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. We Ascend from the realms of imbalanced thought, feeling and memory. We abide on an Ascended Planet of Perfection Patterns, made manifest through our Creative Faculties, centered in Divine Love. And SO IT IS!
My assistance in the New Age of Spiritual Freedom is in bringing the 'karma of history' and the projected 'karma of the future' into the ever-present Cosmic Moment and now. Before embodiment in the Temples of Birth, different people have volunteered to process various aspects of past karma. They embodied to do so. These karmic patterns will seem very present to those processing them, so that people will seem to have 'a different truth', different realities, different perspectives. Future projection of outstanding karma patterns suggests great calamity (a dystopian future) and this too is being processed by different aspects of society. They too embodied to do so! So you see dear ones, that the early Christian Drama was a local event, whereas 'the drama' at the dawn of this Seventh Ray New Age is a global event! In our Buddha Nature, let us see this great drama in a detached fashion, centered within our Flame of Harmony!
As an Angel of Unity, it is our service now to gather Humanity into the present here and now with an understanding of karmic patterns. The hope of such enlightenment is that if Humanity created them, then she could also undo them ...through understanding the Power of Sacred Fire and its Infinite Radiant Light. This was my entire Teaching as Jesus. Divine Love in all its aspects of Holy Spirit will produce the present moment we all desire! And all of this is within the Radiance of the Great Love Star, centering this Solar Year!
The Gathering of Ascending Humanity represents this understanding of Unity on behalf of 'all the goodness of the world.' Affirm with me: I AM an Angel of Unity through my Flame of Immortality, that now connects / unifies all the goodness of the world with all the goodness of Universal I AM ...becoming One Invincible Forcefield that is now active on Earth ...through my embodied Flame of Immortality! As an Instrument of Unity, I AM attuned to the Electro-magnetic currents of Universal I AM. I AM anchoring this Love, Wisdom and Power into daily life well as personally into my own physical, etheric, mental and emotional patterns. I AM Unified and Aligned with the Next Life Wave Coming. And SO IT IS!
The Star of Sanat Kumara represents this Unity having come to full fruition. The Great Love Star radiates Electro-magnetic Currents, bringing Harmony and Balance to all the imbalance yet remaining within daily life. Remember dear ones, everything is Energy, Vibration and Consciousness! And it is at this level that these Electro-magnetic Currents find their point of Unity with Humanity, anchored through the Forcefield of all the goodness of the world. This is best witnessed when in the Unity with our Solar Consciousness ...abiding within the Eye of Divine Liberty!
The Unity I AM serving is also seen in the Gathering of Ascending Humanity ...united at the Flame of Immortality in each other ... and then with all Humanity ...every Flame of Immortality awakened and synchronized in unified Oneness Consciousness! And then all of this embodied Unity is seen in a greater Unity with the entire Spiritual Hierarchy ...all acting in concert as one global Flame of Immortality! This One Flame of Unity then collectively may Inbreathe, Absorb, Assimilate, Expand and Project the Perfection Patterns of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom. The Gathering of Ascending Humanity is anchoring Ascension Concepts ...initially through the printed page, and then into the mind and feelings ...but eventually to be recognized as the Electro-magnetic Fabric of the Flame of Immortality in every human heart! And from there, then to be expressed through the Creative Faculties of all the Cohesive Power of Divine Love, uniting all life in her Ascended State!
This Unity is of the Three-fold Flame, manifesting the True Identity and the Divine Instrument of Humanity. Expressing as its Seven Chakra Suns, the Eternal Flame is manifesting the Cosmos ...of the Sun and its Seven Ascending Planets, the Central Sun and its Seven Ascending Suns, as well as the Great Central Sun and its Seven Ascending Central Suns. Then the entire Cosmos is United as the True Nature of Humanity. This is the I AM Race in its Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom! Affirm with me:
I AM an Angel of Unity, unifying all life within Eternal Flame!
I AM an Eternal Flame and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light.
I AM filling all life into its Oneness Consciousness,
through my all-pervasive, encompassing Light!
I AM the Eternal Flame centering our sweet Earth.
I AM the Eternal Flame centering Ascended and Free Humanity.
I AM the Eternal Flame centering Father / Mother God.
I AM the Unity of this entire manifestation!
I AM that I AM!
Twin Flame of the Archangel Raphael ...On the Flame of Immortality of the Immaculate Concept ... the Divine Potential constantly unfolding!
Beloved Ones, my Light is here, there and everywhere present ...and I stand in the Immortal Flame of the Immaculate Concept of every Soul within Humanity. Here, with Legions of Fifth Ray Angels, I hold the Divine Potential of each one! Here I greet those who join me in Prayer, Meditation any State of Holiness, whether they know me as Mother Mary or any other Feminine Aspect of God. And together, standing in the Light, so I welcome you, Ascended and Free Light Servers!
The Fifth Ray I serve on with Beloved Lord Raphael is sometimes seen as the Ray of Constancy. This has to do with constancy of service and consecration to that service. This service which I hope to align you with, is in seeing the constant expression and expansion of the Immaculate Concept from within the Eternal Flame ...a view from within seen from the Flame of Immortality embedded in every heart. You know that in my service to the Christian Dispensation, I held the Immaculate Concept for our Beloved Jesus to fully become the Christ Self and walk the Earth in his Christ Consciousness ...even in the face of the huge stress of that time. I also held the Immaculate Concept for the growth and development of the early Christian Faith. And I hold this now with you, at the dawn of this New Age. For you are now the Flame of the Immaculate Concept embodied, sustaining a view 'from within'!
Over my service to Humanity, I have tried to set a Feminine Ray example of Constancy to First Cause, through being constant myself in the face of stressful times ...just as you do now. But my constancy came from knowing and remembering the Power of the Immaculate Concept, anchored within the Flame of Immortality. This constancy of knowing came from my Teachers well as from the Angelic Legions that constantly sustained me when embodied ...felt and seen in meditation and prayer.
I trained for this service just as the tiny Elemental Spirits train to hold the Immaculate Concept of a flower or entire tree, in its perfect expression 'in form'. I trained to hold this for Humanity. Yet the Silent Watcher trains to hold the Divine Blueprint for an entire Galaxy. So, it is all relative. I AM associated with the Elemental Kingdom, as I continue to train Light Servers within these Elemental Temples hold the Immaculate Concept for the expression of the Beauty of their own Solar Christ Consciousness. And with the succession of embodiments, each of you became an ever-evolved expression of this Truth. And here you are now as the embodied holders of the Immaculate Concept for this Cosmic Moment!
Let us focus on understanding the Eternal Flame. It transposes Energy, Vibration and Consciousness into a location, as a Presence there ...while its Infinite Radiant Light conducts Energy, Matter and Intelligence into that location or situation ...and beyond if so desired. This Truth is the foundation of the miracles of Beloved Jesus, during his ministry. All of this is captured in the affirmation: I AM the Resurrection and the Life! I AM an Eternal Flame, and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light! This Ascended and Free declaration is the essence of True Identity in all Ascended Master Spheres! This is the Immaculate Concept in action!
When Beloved Jesus affirmed in the Lord's Prayer, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven!" he knew he could then bring this Reality forth into form through another affirmation specific to his ministry: "I AM the Resurrection and the Life" ...of these Perfection Patterns here and now! I AM the Flame of the Immaculate Concept, expressing the Divine Potential of this moment ...or of any moment, here, there and everywhere present ...(pause and feel this affirmation in Unity with Beloved Ascended Master Jesus). It is in becoming these Perfection Patterns evident in the world of form this realm, as it is in every other Realm. Here, I AM Resurrecting that which is True in the Flame of Immortality, into daily life! This is the Revelation Humanity seeks!
At the dawn of the Christian Age, Beloved Jesus physically left us (claimed his Ascension) allowing that "Holy Spirit may come among you." Holy Spirit is Love in action. Similarly, in the dawning of this New Age, the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves, with all levels of life Ascending to its next Divine Potential, is Holy Spirit in action. The Gathering of Ascending Humanity are all Disciples of Holy Spirit! And this now incorporates all the right and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing, at the right and perfect time, in the right and perfect place, in the right and perfect way ...all Holy Spirit in action ...Love in action! Holy Spirit moves in mysterious ways, through Humanity and the Elemental Kingdom, in great activity ...bringing forth the Transformational Events in Consciousness necessary for Victory.
So let us visualize and contemplate these Transformational Events in Consciousness ...happening across the Gathering of Ascending Humanity and through the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves ...both the implicit and explicit events ...seen and unseen ...on all physical, etheric, mental and emotional levels of Humanity's daily life. This is the Immaculate Concept of Redemption of our sweet Earth ...setting her free in the Light. It is our Inner Vow: I AM Keepers of this Flame!
The Immaculate Concept requires an empty vessel for its anchorage. In our daily ceremonies of Light Service, let us visualize and affirm: I AM empty of self and the karma of self. I AM empty of family and the karma of family. I AM empty of my community and the karma of my community. I AM empty of my nation and the karma of my nation. I AM empty of my culture / race and the karma of my culture / race. I AM empty of all persons, places, conditions and things of this world order that I AM the Eternal Flame ...holding the Immaculate Concept for all involved. In so becoming, I AM experiencing and living the Mysteries of the Flame of Immortality!
This means that I see, feel and deeply accept the Immaculate Concept of myself, of my family, of my community, of my nation / race / culture. Within my Eternal Flame, I know these Perfection Patterns are Immortal ...and that they pour through my Flame of Immortality and await their expression in daily life. These Electro-magnetic Currents radiating from the Eternal Flame deeply connect with all other persons, places, conditions and things, through (being empty of self) my Oneness Consciousness with all other life!
This way I AM building Divine Self, building Divine Consciousness and building an Eternal Life in the Light! I place my Faith in the Flame of Immortality within ...or, as referred to in Christian terms, as "the Father within that doeth the works." Father / Mother God is anchored within you ...with their full Power and Authority. Alpha and Omega is within you the Flame of Immortality! This is the Truth that now sets you free into your Ascended and Free State and free into your full Ascended and Free Light Service!
Let us visualize and sing the Keynote of our flow within the Universal River of the Immaculate Concept:
I AM within the Stream of my Christ's own flowing Love,
I hold my Cup straight up to Thee, Great Presence of all Love.
Fill now this offered Cup, till it runneth sweetly o'er,
As I now stand within Thy Stream, to Love and to Adore
Here now I offer Thee, all myself - Thy Holy Grail,
Beloved Holy Pure Christ Self, Thy Life in all I hail!
My cup now runneth o'er, as I hold it up to Thee,
Beloved Presence of my life, I AM at One with Thee!
I AM at One with Thee, my whole self - Thyself - all Free!
For so it ordained to be ...through all Eternity!
Myself - Thyself - just THEE, thine own will now done in me.
Beloved Presence of my Life, I AM at One with Thee!
And so Beloved Ones, I leave you with the teachings we offer as we release Souls into embodiment they exit the Temples of Birth. This teaching is also done with Elementals in training, entering the Earth plane as Divine Potentials of Beauty with Nature.
I AM a Perfection Pattern that seeks its manifestation.
I AM always striving for greater Divine Potential, even in the Highest Systems of Father / Mother God every Perfection Pattern builds from the previous and into the next, an Eternal Spiral of Life's continual Ascension.
This is the Cosmic Eternal Spring,
the ever-continuous blossoming of Perfection.
And the more my own life spirals up this Ascension Process, the
humbler I become, the more I realize myself as the student,
and the greater is my honoring and gratitude to those
Mighty Beings who cleared the Way before me.
Then ...daily life becomes 'the Teachings'.