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October 2021


I AM an Infinite Sphere of Light.
I AM Ascended and Free!
I AM inclusive of all life
living Free in the Light.

From within this Infinite Circle of Light:

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity,
In union with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elementals,
Through the cohesive Power of Divine Love
uniting all Life in its Ascended State,
Now emerges into Humanity as the
Thoughtform of this Sacred Month and Cycle of the Zodiac:











(empty of self and breathing as only Eternal Flame)

I AM Inbreathing and Absorbing the Ray of Spiritual Freedom
from the Central Sun, into the Diamond Crystal Sun
centering the Solar Year Maltese Cross!

I AM Expanding and Projecting the Ray of Spiritual Freedom
from the Central Sun, out from the Diamond Crystal Sun
centering the Solar Year Maltese Cross!



I AM an Eternal Flame, abiding
in the Infinite Radiant Light
of the Great Solar Quiet!

Yet simultaneously,
I AM an embodied Light Server,
Initiating the Diamond Crystal Sun of the
Permanent Atom of Spiritual Freedom on Earth!

I Am That I Am!

I AM an Eternal Flame, and I AM its Infinite Radiant Light!
My Flame radiates Perfection Patterns, but no heat.
My Light Body is a tangible Etheric
Presence ...yet has no mass.

I AM the Divine Flame of Higher Dimensions.
I AM here as an Eternal Flame on Earth, creating a
Celestial Energy Field, in which the Lightness of Being
gives off no heat and no mass ...only the Cohesive Power
of Pure Divine Love ...uniting all life in her Ascended State!

I AM like the Ascended Master, or Angelic / Devic Presence,
here, there and everywhere present ...as my Eternal Flame
and its Celestial Energy Field of Perfection Patterns!

I dwell at the Center of the Cosmic Maltese Cross.

Standing together in the Light of the Diamond Crystal Sun!

Standing as the Permanent Atom of Spiritual Freedom!

Standing in Unity, sustaining this Permanent Atom!

Through the vast Unity of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity,
standing together within the Solar Year Maltese Cross, we affirm:

The Cosmic Violet Fire now takes command!
It brings Perfection from God's own Hand.
God's Light takes full command today!
God's Light is here and here to stay!

The Gathering of Ascended Humanity is the Forcefield
of 'vast interconnectedness' within Universal I AM,
...now manifesting within Humanity ...as

The right and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing,
at the right and perfect time, in the right and perfect place,
in the right and perfect way!

I AM the Gathering of Ascending Humanity!
I AM the Gathering of Ascending Humanity!

I AM open and receptive to the
Next Wave of Spiritual Freedom Coming!
I AM open and receptive to the
Next Wave of the Feminine Ray Coming!
I AM open and receptive to the
Next Wave of the New Root Races Coming!
I AM open and receptive to the
Next Wave of the Great Cosmic Inbreath Coming!

I AM open and receptive to the
Permanent Atom of Spiritual Freedom!
I AM open and receptive to the
Permanent Atom of Spiritual Freedom!




Beloved Ones: centering our Solar Year Theme and Thoughtform is the Electronic Pattern of Spiritual Freedom ...the Cosmic Maltese Cross. At the center of this Maltese Cross is the Permanent Atom of Spiritual Freedom ...the Diamond Crystal Sun.[1] This Forcefield is made up of Celestial Forces, but anchored by the Flame of Immortality within the Gathering of Ascending Humanity, as well as the Sacred Flames of all who desire goodness at any level ...together composing the expanding Forcefield of Grace in the world. It has been said that imbalance and discord 'get the headlines', but goodness is where the great majority of Humanity desire to live their lives. And this innate goodness is what anchors and sustains the Permanent Atom of Spiritual Freedom. Our Light Service is to guide, guard and direct this Forcefield within Humanity towards its goal ...towards the Permanent Spiritual Freedom of Humanity!

[1]For a fuller description of this Celestial Energy Field, see page seven of the January 2020 Ascended and Free Journal.

I AM the Diamond Crystal Sun of Immortality
centering the Cosmic Maltese Cross of Spiritual Freedom

The Infinite Radiant Light of this Permanent Atom touches the heart and soul of all Humanity, through the vast interconnectedness of the Forcefield of Spiritual Freedom. It reaches the outer consciousness through whatever means is appropriate or of interest to any particular person, place, condition or thing. This outer connectivity is accomplished inwardly, through the right and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing, at the right and perfect time, in the right and perfect place, in the right and perfect way ...globally! This vast interconnectedness uses the avenues of family and other interpersonal relationships; media; business; music and art; government; health care; social justice and community.

And we strive to empower this connectivity all around us in daily life ...through our Divine Direction of Sacred Fire, as well as the Infinite Radiant Light of our own Eternal Flame! And this service of touching the heart and mind of Humanity has the full assistance of the Angels and Elementals.This Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and Humanity is an integral part of our combined Light Service. Together, standing in the Light, we are revealing the Eye of Divine Liberty and a New Age of Spiritual Freedom ...infusing the 'connectome of daily life' with our Light and Love, raising it all to a Higher Frequency! Let us constantly invoke the Angels and Elementals to assist in every possible way in this endeavor.

We serve as Builders of Divine Consciousness, Builders of Divine Self and Builders of an Eternal Life in the Light. At the beginning of all construction there must be the finest architectural blueprints to work from. This is our present service. This Electronic Blueprint is in the Realm of Cause ...but anchored in the world through our Eternal Flame. This Blueprint is then expanded locally and globally through our Light Service, as Perfection Patterns active in all aspects of daily life. We remember that our Light is composed of the 'force-carrier particle' ...photons, carrying the Forcefields of the Love, Wisdom and Power of our Eternal Flame, as well as that from Father / Mother God and all the Spiritual Hierarchy pouring through us. This entire Forcefield is then expressed as the Energy, Matter and Intelligence innate within Divine Light ...the foundation of all manifestation. This establishes First Cause!

The Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love then anchors and builds upon this Electronic Blueprint. The Light pouring through us builds the vast interconnectedness ...the connectome ...of all the goodness on the world, united and synchronized ...through the right and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing, at the right and perfect time, in the right and perfect place, in the right and perfect way! This manifests our Infinite Circle of Light, inclusive of all life living free in the Light! We affirm this with each Declaration of our Ascended and Free Statement!

It is our rhythmic applications that turn an 'uncertainty of outcome' ...towards the 'probability of an outcome' and then with greater momentum, further towards a 'certainty of outcome'. So even though we are faced with uncertainty and probabilities, we continually, constantly and rhythmically affirm, visualize, see, feel and deeply accept the Divine Potential of all things! And thus it does indeed trend towards 'a certainty'! This is the process Building a Divine Consciousness, as well as the Building of Spiritual Freedom on a planet. So let us review from whence comes our certainty!

It is within our Solar Year Theme and Thoughtform! It arises within our Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves ...as the Seven Levels of Electronic Perfection Patterns of the Ascension ...centered along the vertical shaft of this Solar Year Maltese Cross, as well as centered along our embodied Solar Spine! This is First Cause ...currently raising up all life into its next level of Divine Potential. Balancing this vertical activity (along the Solar Spine) is the horizontal shaft of the Maltese Cross, expanding the Light of the Diamond Crystal Sun ...Spiritual Freedom invigorating the entire fabric of life on Earth.

This Light then radiates out as an Infinite Circle ...the expanding Mystic Ring of Violet Fire! Our collective Three-fold Flame is centered in the Maltese Cross and operates as the Diamond Crystal Sun at its center. Our Three-fold Flame is the same Three-fold Flame in the Sun of Father / Mother God. So this is us, together standing in the Light, as God in Action ...Initiating a New Age of Spiritual Freedom on Earth. This is our certainty ...our Victory!




I AM open and receptive to the Next Wave of
Sixth and Seventh Root Races Coming!

I AM open and receptive to Revelations expressed, through the
Next Wave of Sixth and Seventh Root Races Coming!

Beloved Ones: along with Manu Lord Saithru / Lady Mercedes, we offer our deep and abiding Gratitude for your attention to our Service. Kindly sojourn with us into the Temples of the Sixth and Seventh Root Races and allow us to give you a glimpse into the gifts and talents these incoming Souls naturally bring into embodiment. For they represent the Next Life Wave Coming. Our Root Races enter Earth plane now as part of a Cosmic Cycle of Endings and New Beginnings ...a transition of the Root Races and the beginning of a New Age of Spiritual Prosperity on Earth. We have set aside chambers in our Temples for you to meditate on this Cosmic Transition. And we cordially invite you to take this opportunity and allow it to enhance your Spiritual Understanding and Practice. Specifically, welcome into our Temple of the Great Solar Disc at Lake Titicaca.

In the original Divine Plan, the Earth was created uniquely for existence within multi-dimensional form ...but still form. Since the ‘great fall', existence on Earth has been further limited by the restrictions of time and (three-dimensional) space. This alteration in the Plan was only thought to be a certain period (by Cosmic Law) ...with the eventual Ascension from this world of three dimensional form, time and space, back into Realms of Multi-dimensional expression beyond time and space (much more ethereal from composed of Quantum Matter). Those Enlightened Beings who have Ascended from the Earth plane since the ‘great fall' have mastered much denser levels of expression than ever intended. This Original Cycle of Seven Root Races was to have been completed long ago, but Humanity's fall in consciousness delayed this ...into what has seemed an endless 'karmic loop'.

This is to now end! And it does so, the 'rules governing reality' now shift ...because of various Forces. These Forcefields are spiritually known as the Masculine Ray becoming balanced with the Harmony and Compassion of the Feminine Ray ...as well as the close of the Sixth Ray Christian Dispensation and the beginning of the Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom ...as well as the incoming Sixth and Seventh Root Races (with the Fourth and Fifth Root Races gradually completing their cycle) ...and finally, the Great Cosmic Inbreath of the entire Galaxy towards its Central Source (Alpha and Omega)! Taken together, these Forces create an entirely new view of the Cosmos, and the nature of Reality ...as well as Humanity's place within the Divine! During your sojourns at our Retreats, there are Ascended Masters and Angels prepared to assist in your meditations and understanding of these principles, whether you have stilled the outer self in meditation or in sleep! Let us contemplate this together, standing in the Light of the Meru Focus, in the spiralling Twelve Rays of the Great Solar Disc!

Beloved Ones, our Children of the New Root Races leave the Temples of Birth and enter Humanity through the Cosmic Forcefield of Spiritual Freedom. They come forth in their Light Body, from the Diamond Crystal Sun centering the Maltese Cross Thoughtform ...and then proceed into 'particle-function' (Elemental vehicles) from their innate 'wave-function' Presence. In this way these Souls are already attuned and synchronized with the Royal Kingdoms of Angels and Elemental Devas...our Beloved 'wave-function' allies assisting in building our permanent Age of Spiritual Freedom. Let us invoke these Forces in the Guidance and Protection of the parents of these Souls, once they enter into the world!

So ...our Sixth and Seventh Root Races do come forth through birth and its journey into daily life. Their collective Forcefield is like the visualization of the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire ...expanding out from the center and imbuing all life with its Energy, Vibration and Consciousness. Embodied Sixth and Seventh Root Race Souls already serve at multiple levels, in raising up the Divine Potential of many aspects of daily life. They are already part of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity ...the right and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing, at the right and perfect time, in the right and perfect place, in the right and perfect way! And many more are soon to reveal their Forcefields of Love, Wisdom and Power in daily life.

The Sixth and Seventh Root Races represent Endings and New Beginnings. These Souls enter Earth plane to end the cycle of entropy (imbalanced, random disorder and its result of chaos) ...and to Initiate the Beginning of the 'cohesive nature of the collective'; of everything 'arising into its synchronized Divine Order and Oneness' ...so that 'the whole' moves forward together ... together, standing in the Light! These Souls collectively carry the Electromagnetic Forces necessary to bring about 'the Universe arising into Oneness'. This is the purpose of the Great Cosmic Inbreath. It is termed 'Great' as it is all inclusive ...everything coming into Oneness. This is First Cause expressed!

And the Sixth and Seventh Root Races constitute more of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity than might be expected (given outer appearances). But much of their service goes unseen and anonymous ...often humble Keepers of this Flame. Yet these Children of the Sun are very much a staple of the right and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing, ...already! The New Root Races carry the Seven Tones and Rhythms of the Holy Christ Self, ready to assist Humanity into her Initiation into Solar Consciousness. They serve on all Seven Rays, as every Ray is part of the Ascension process. The New Root Races are here to rebuild the collective Oneness that has always been known within the Eternal Flame of Immortality. They are expert Builders of Divine Self, Builders of Divine Consciousness and serve the Cosmic Christ, as Builders of the Temple of Cosmic Holy Spirit ...for individuals, and for Humanity globally.

Global events of entropy, such as war, famine, drought, pandemics, economic collapse are all patterns of imbalance and chaos that operate through fear. Some of these would have occurred more intensely than you even see outwardly, but global Light Service prevented such events before they could act, manifest or longer be sustained. This is one of the main purposes of the Keepers of the Flame ...to guide, guard and direct Sacred Fire in preventing catastrophe, as well as anchoring the Perfection Patterns of a New Age of Spiritual Freedom. Simply being a Forcefield of Loving Gratitude to the Elemental Kingdom keeps certain 'natural disasters' at bay. Since the ‘great fall', Humanity has a great debt to the Elementals. They were forced to manifest patterns of imbalance, as the original agreement in the Divine Plan was for Elementals to outpicture Humanity's consciousness. And manifesting Perfection Patterns though Humanity was achieved in the first three Root Races. This is what we return to, the Original Divine Plan made manifest!

Sacred Fire is the antidote for the entropy of chaos and disorder. Legions of Angels desire to assist the Gathering of Ascending Humanity in the Healing of this Elemental planet. This is where the Order of Zadkiel and Seventh Ray Angels play an important part. And such Angels and Devas attend our Meru Focus to teach Light Servers (as well as our Sixth and Seventh Root Races Children) in such methods of Divine Alchemy known on many Planets and Stars!

Here we teach that along our Solar Spine, we carry the Sacred Fires of the Seven Rays necessary for all Lifeforce on Earth ...all Angels and Elementals and Humanity. This is the Activity of the Pagoda of Seven White Ascension Doves. Along our Kundalini River, we are (I AM!) inclusive of all life living free in the Light. We are (I AM!) Keepers of the Flame of Immortality. We sustain the Light Service of the original coming of Beloved Sanat Kumara within the Great Love Star ...as well as his Family of Kumaras and the Spiritual Hierarchy of Venus who then embodied on Earth to begin the Spiritual Hierarchy here.

In our Focus at Titicaca, we are (I AM!) training Humanity in the Consciousness of Divine Love and its Cohesive Power of uniting all life in her Ascended State. We are (I AM!) training Light Servers to become active participants in the Great Light Brotherhood of Earth. This is the Gathering of Ascending Humanity. Here in the Meru Temples, we teach the vast interconnectedness of all life, a Force now emerging within Humanity ...aspiring to be Ascended and Free! We reveal the strength and stamina of Light Service ...as to how our 'collective Solar Spine' and its Kundalini River of Seven Chakra Suns, carries all life on Earth into Solar Consciousness!

Beloved Ones, the human brain is a connectome! Humanity is a connectome! Nature and the Angels are a connectome! Our Solar System is a connectome! Universal I AM is an infinite connectome, representing the vast interconnectedness of Oneness Consciousness! These Higher Frequency Realities are all taught in our Ascended Master Temples of the Sixth and Seventh Root Races. Come, sojourn with us and learn! Ask your Mighty I AM Presence to see you are Guided to the right and perfect Temple, in meditation or in sleep.

Imagine a time before electricity. Imagine explaining to early Humanity that there is this 'invisible energy' that frees up so much time and effort of Humanity. It would seem magical to someone before electricity, to imagine a force that we cannot see, yet it is so powerful. It is the same is with Sacred Fire ...so much so that with the full onset of this New Age, people may ask, "What did we do before Sacred Fire?", how it frees Humanity from much of the time and energy that she previously spent on karma and negativity.

Imagine asking your Eternal Flame ...your Governing God Intelligence of Divine Love ...your Fire of Immortality ...to outpicture the Perfection Patterns of Youth and Beauty, Health and Wellness and Strength and Stamina through your Beloved Body Elemental. Such Perfection Patterns are all contained in the photons of the Infinite Radiant Light of your Eternal Flame. This is the Power that is ours to command, like the proverbial 'genie in the bottle'. With enough force of attention upon the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light, this Power is available to you. Come and allow us to teach this Victory in our Temples!

Imagine (see, feel and deeply accept) that everyone and everything in your Sphere of Influence feels the impact of your Light of Divine Love ...your Light of Divine Wisdom ...and your Light of Divine Power. Your Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame is here to have this impact on the world, locally and globally. Each of your Seven Chakra Suns is to have this exact impact on your embodied cells, atoms and electrons. And added to this, the Seven Electronic Patterns of the Ascension for all Lifeforce passes through you as well. The Gathering of Ascending Humanity is a United Flame ...with an Infinite Radiant Light that is global in its impact. Then imagine all the Seven Root Races fully Ascended ...and then you fathom the full Power of the I AM Race! This is what we tangibly teach in our Temples of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom!

Humanity already knows the scientific truth: that energy is neither created nor destroyed, it is only transformed. Sacred Fire is the Spiritual Science of this Transformation ...from lower frequency imbalanced energy to Higher Frequency Energies of Divine Order and First Cause ...with its vibrational manifestation of Infinite Perfection Patterns, as well as its ever-evolving Divine Consciousness. We are (I AM!) the agents of this Transformation, as Divine Directors of Sacred Fire ...Keepers of the Flame ...builders of the Gathering of Ascending Humanity!

This and much more we teach in our Meru Temples. Along with Beloved Manu Lord Saithru / Lady Mercedes, we invite you to build your Spiritual Service with us, through this God Illumination!




Beloved Ones, of the Elemental Kingdom, one of the Builders of Form that serve with the Mighty Elohim and the Silent Watchers. I represent the intended manifestation of Feminine Ray Perfection Patterns originally designed for our sweet Earth. I represent the Promise of an Eternal Spring. I serve on various Planets in various Solar Systems. I assist in holding this Immaculate Concept ...and then further, assist in building it ...training others in the Building of Divine Self, Building of Divine Consciousness and Building an Eternal Life in the Light! I AM the Eternal Spring. I AM the Resurrection and the Life of manifesting Eternal Divinity!

The Great Lady Virgo, one of the Twelve Houses of the Sun, anchors the original Divine Plan of this Beauty within the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure ...the Forcefield of the Sun at the center of the Earth. This is the focus of Beloved Pelleur and Virgo, a palace of great Light, from which the Earth is held in Harmony and Balance for her transition into Higher Frequency Orbit. Let us pay honor and gratitude to all the Directors of the Elemental Kingdom ...Beloved Pelleur and Virgo of the Earth Element; Beloved Neptune and Lunara of the Water Element; Beloved Thor and Aries of the Air Element and our Beloved Helios and Vesta of the Fire Element. I serve their Cause in manifesting Elemental Perfection Patterns!

Beloved Ones, a lovely garden requires the four Elemental Kingdoms working together, standing in the Light ...the synergy and alchemy of earth, air, fire and water. Your embodied vehicles are also a garden composed of these Elementals. Earth, air, fire and water present themselves as 'substance in particle-function', the actual 'matter' of the garden. But also the Elemental Kingdom presents as 'spirit in wave-function' ...ethereal beings such as the Gnomes (earth beings), Sylphs (spirits of the air), Salamanders (fire beings) and Undines (water spirits). These Spirits are in training to become the Magnificent Silent Watchers ...firstly over a small aspect of the garden (single flower or even blade of grass) through to the greater Landscape Devic Spirits of great swaths of land ...through to the Silent Watchers of great lakes, rivers, oceans and mountains.

And so it is with the spiritual garden of our body. Let us build a Garden of the Eternal Spring into our embodied vehicles. We begin with a Purification / Transmutation through the Violet Fire. See, feel and deeply accept the Cosmic Violet Fire blazing through our vehicles. We Inbreathe this Sacred Fire standing in the center of the Maltese Cross ...and we Outbreathe it, expanding it outward through the Mystic Ring of Violet Fire. We see and feel it blazing through every cell, atom and electron of our physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles. Affirm:

The Violet Fire now takes command
It brings Perfection from God's own Hand
God's Light takes full command today
God's Light is here and here to stay.

Then in similar fashion, we apply the Sacred Fires of all Seven Rays, ending in the Transfiguration, Resurrection and the Ascension of our vehicles ...and then of all physical substance, form and matter.

We are truly in a time of Endings and New Beginnings. In the seasons, winter is an ending and spring is the new beginning ...bringing the Perfection Patterns of the Resurrection and the Life. These are normal seasonal cycles, just as there are rhythmic Cosmic Cycles ...all with Endings and New Beginnings. Within daily life (time and space), 'endings' seem to equate loss, grieving, suffering and difficult adaptation. In the Realms of Light, it is simply peaceful, grateful Etherealization of what was ...and then the expectation and anticipation of the New Beginning, what is to come. And with its coming is initiated a Higher Frequency Reality. This is how our Elemental Kingdom sees this present Cosmic Moment!

Like you, I AM an Eternal Flame and I exist in the Garden of the Eternal Spring ...the 'vibrational manifestation' of Divine Consciousness ...whether in the denseness of 'particle-function' or etherically in 'wave-function'. The Garden of the Eternal Spring manifests in all Dimensions, Realms, Spheres of Light ...including in this Cosmic Moment on our sweet Earth. I hold this Immaculate Concept within the Diamond Crystal Sun at the center of our Solar Year Thoughtform. And together, standing in that Light ...I AM the Celestial Flame of the Eternal Spring!

This Flame contains countless Perfection Patterns waiting to be released through the Gathering of Ascending Humanity ...all the right and perfect people, doing the right and perfect thing, at the right and perfect time, in the right and perfect place, in the right and perfect way! There are limitless ways in which the Flame of the Eternal Spring may blossom in New Patterns of thoughts, feelings, words and deeds. Old, crystallized patterns now etherealize (sometimes stubbornly) ...and New Patterns constantly arise. Daily life is the garden of Energy, Vibration and Consciousness we attend to, and the blossoms of its Eternal Spring are ready to come forth now in all their Celestial Beauty!

We affirm:


I AM the First Cause of the Eternal Spring ...of Humanity
and that of Earth and her entire Elemental Kingdom.

I AM the Immaculate Concept of the Divine Plan!

Beloved Ones, this is the moment of accelerated Spiritual Evolution ...a Spiritual Resurrection ...a Spiritual Transformation. There have been many political, cultural and military revolutions that have affected change ...for good or bad, some temporary, some more lasting. But now is the Cosmic Hour for rapid Spiritual Evolution ...into a Permanent Age of Spiritual Freedom. We are to witness the Law of Cause and Effect. Humanity is to discover her True Identity dating back from the very First Cause that set all other effects into action ...from which all other cause transpires.

And in Resurrecting this Truth from out the tomb of ego illusion, we discover the Divine Instrument designed exactly for this accelerated Spiritual Evolution. Know this Truth and it shall set you free! Like any successful endeavor, this accelerated Spiritual Transformation comes with much support. These include the Forces of the Feminine Ray rebalancing the Masculine Ray ...the Forces of the Seventh Ray Dispensation of Spiritual Freedom taking up the torch from the Sixth Ray Christian Age ...the Forces of Sixth and Seventh Root Races now embodying with such Love, Wisdom and Power at their command ...and the greater Solar Forces of the Great Cosmic Inbreath and all Suns in Divine Alignment. All of this is captured in the Solar Year Theme and Thoughtform!

The Angels, Elementals and Humanity are all Allies in this Victory, as they serve in the Co-creation the Divine Plan. We see, feel and deeply accept all the Orders of Angels along all the Cosmic Rays ...from the Mighty Archangels, Seraphim, Cherubim and Angelic Hosts. They come to our aid with Cosmic Forcefields of Celestial Emotions, which can cease all imbalance in that instant ...witnessed in countless small 'spiritual epiphanies' every second across the globe. We likewise see, feel and deeply accept the Mighty Elohim, Silent Watchers, Builders of Form, Deva Rajahs, the entire Devic Kingdom and all the Beautiful Beings of the earth, air fire and water Elemental Kingdoms ...and the Forcefields they bring!

This is a synergy of Mighty Celestial Forces! Think of it! And they already operate unseen with and through the Gathering of Ascending Humanity ...all people of heart-felt good desire across the planet. The real Victory of this Spiritual Transformation is the overwhelming 'goodness of the world', the strong desire of most of Humanity for a return to permanent Harmony and Balance! The arsenal of change these Allies bring to Humanity is Sacred Fire ...and its effectiveness in the Transmutation, Resurrection and the Ascension of all lower energy, vibration and consciousness. The Divine Instrument hidden in all Humanity awaits the opportunity to reveal itself and release its Divine Potential ...rather than continue the lower frequency imbalance generated through ego.

All of this can be summarized as a return to the Eternal Spring of Divine Life on Earth ...as originally intended by Father / Mother God. This is the Eternal Flame and its Infinite Radiant Light. In this we attain our Solar Consciousness and reveal the Causal Spheres of our Ascended Master Presence. We then become anonymous transformers / converters of the Divine to those around us, in our Sphere of Influence ...as if, in that moment, they attend an Ascended Master Retreat and sit at the High Altar. But now it is simply abiding in the Sphere of Influence the Flame of Immortality within daily life ...sustained by Keepers of this Flame ...the Gathering of Ascending Humanity!

The service of a teacher is in raising up others towards their Higher Potential. Now imagine this phenomenon spreading globally on the spiritual level, like a 'uprising of Spirit' ...from one Divine Instrument to the next Divine Instrument, awakening everyone along its path. As each one is raised up towards their Divine Potential, they raise up others and on and on ...until we find ourselves collectively in the Great Love Star ...and thus in the Orbit of Venus and the Frequency of Divine Love. Then shall we manifest the I AM Race, abiding in its Garden of the Eternal Spring!

The garden grows Age to Age. But now we have a Higher Frequency Consciousness in which to hold the Garden of the Eternal Spring. This involves abiding in Solar Consciousness. And as the Garden of the Eternal Spring grows and develops Cycle to Cycle, it is assisted by every Celestial Event and Spiritual Outpouring which Humanity attunes to. These Ceremonies and Celebrations become Forcefields unto themselves, that ever-expand with the attention of Humanity. All the High Holy Days, all Celestial Alignments (including lunar and solar eclipses, full moons, etc.) add to the Garden growing well. Humanity's attention is the Spiritual Bridge over which such Cosmic Currents anchor into daily life.

Imagine embodying each of these Transformational Events in Consciousness. As examples, we might affirm (in May), I AM the Flame of Wesak, open and receptive to full God Illumination released for all Humanity! Or in Spring, I AM the Forcefield of 'the Resurrection and the Life' (Easter) and the Power to attain our next Divine Potential within that outpouring. Or every full moon, I AM the full Power of the Feminine Ray released now through Humanity's feeling nature. Dear Ones, the Flame of every Celestial Event from all previous Ages and Dispensations, given the rhythmic attention of Humanity, now continually expands Humanity's ability to be open and receptive to the Next Life Wave Coming ...growing the Garden of the Eternal Spring!

